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With These Two Words

various scripture references

It began as a request to have an I AM hymn to accompany some chancel dramas at my vicarage congregation (*groan*). Nothing existed short of a few differing hymns that may have mentioned one of the various I AMs Jesus spoke. It developed into the first place winning entry in the Pamela Anne Prevalet Memorial Fund hymn writing competition for vicars.

  1. With these two words did Jesus say
    He is our God eternal.
    He was, will be, and is today
    The Lord of all, supernal.
    He came to earth, that He might give
    Himself to men, that they might live.
  2. Insert the appropriate I AM stanza.
  3. All praise to God the Father sing,
    Praise to the Son, forever,
    Let praise to God the Spirit ring,
    Our God, Who fails us never.
    All hail Creator and the Lamb
    And Sanctifier, Great I AM! Amen.
  4. John 6:32-35
    I Am the Bread of Life
    "I am the bread of life, most true;
    A kind that has no leaven.
    Body and blood given for you:
    A Holy Meal from Heaven.
    Oh, come to Me, eat of this bread,
    For with this food, your soul is fed."
  5. John 8:12, 9:5
    I Am the Light of the World
    "Oh, look to Me, I am the light;
    Outshining ev'ry other.
    I shine on you — restore your sight
    To show you God the Father.
    Come, follow Me, I light the way;
    No more in darkness will you stray."
  6. John 8:54-58
    Before Abraham was born, I Am
    "Before the birth of Abraham,
    Before the world's creation
    Before he took a breath — I AM!
    And I am his salvation!
    He gazed upon My day with mirth;
    Rejoiced, a blessing to the earth."
  7. John 10:7-10
    I Am the Gate of the Sheep
    "You are My sheep — to bring you bliss
    I am your gate and portal.
    Do not be led to the abyss
    By prophets false and mortal.
    Oh, come through me and to your rest
    that waits for you in pastures blest."
  8. John 10:11-18
    I Am the Good Shepherd
    "I know My sheep, My sheep know Me;
    All under constant guiding.
    My voice they hear, My face they see;
    All in My call confiding.
    For them have I laid down My life,
    That in My flock they fear no strife."
  9. John 11:25-26
    I Am the Resurrection and the Life
    "Surely you live, though you may die,
    My promises believing,
    And at the last, be raised to life,
    My Sacraments receiving.
    Believe in Me and always live;
    I have eternal life to give."
  10. John 14:6-7
    I Am the Way and the Truth and the Life
    "I am the way to Heav'n above.
    Know Me, thus know the Father.
    I speak the truth and give of love:
    To God there is no other.
    I am the life, and I proclaim,
    I cleanse you of your guilt and shame."
  11. John 15:1-17
    I Am the True Vine
    "You show yourselves to be My own
    And glorify the Father
    To bear the fruit that He has sown
    And turn to love no other.
    I am the vine, remain in Me;
    My branches you will always be!"
  12. Rev. 1:8, 22:13
    I Am the Alpha and the Omega
    "I am the first; I am the last:
    The end and the beginning —
    In present, future, and the past:
    Almighty God, e'er-living!
    I am today; I am before;
    I am tomorrow — evermore!"

Text copyright 2002 Pamela Anne Prevallet Memorial Fund, Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, Missouri
Used by permission.


Mach's mit mir, Gott by J. Hermann Schein, 1628

Now, you will notice that I do not own the copyright to this hymn. Part of submitting a hymn to the competition and winning a prize was the hand over copyright of the hymn to the memorial fund. While I was hesitant at first—they claimed it was so that they would have no problems publishing it without having to come to me every single time—they grant contest winners the permission to use the hymn and to give others permission to use it. So, if you would like to use this hymn, you MUST contact me.

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