Any fool can criticize, condemn, and complain, and most fools do.
‹Benjamin Franklin›
Atlantis: the domain of the Stingray
author: Stingray
category: Links
comments: 2
Unspecified Linux Google Chrome (12.0.742.124)
Unspecified Linux Google Chrome (12.0.742.124)
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Black-barred Logo

Anti-piracy is well and good, but congress acting to regulate the internet is not the way to do it. Enact laws to prosecute those who pirate, but do not force ISPs to block sites that are suspected pirates. There are copyright laws out there to enforce, we don't need more to help; enforce the ones that are already on the books (there are ways to do so, and they work).

SOPA and PIPA might not affect or Atlantis, though it could with my use of OS and Browser logos. Hey, I've never said I own the logos, but if SOPA and PIPA are enacted, I could be shut down or have someone go after me. That's how overbearing these bills are.

So, I stand with sites like Wikipedia (which is blacked out today) and Google, who put a black bar over their logo. I liked that idea, and decided to emulate it.

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