Our scientific power has outrun our spiritual power. We have guided missiles and misdguided men and women.
‹Martin Luther King›
Atlantis: the domain of the Stingray
author: Stingray
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Good Friday

John 19:30

Name Year Wordle
In the name of Jesus. Amen.

The lifeless body of God hangs on the cross. It was a short life of 33 years for the eternal Word. “The Word of God became flesh and dwelt among us.” (John 1:14) Humbly, the Son of God began His fleshy existence in a house when Gabriel visited Mary; gloriously, it reaches its conclusion on a hill outside of Jerusalem called Golgotha. At the third hour on a Friday morning, Jesus the Christ, the Son of God, saw to His appointed duty to die for the sin of the world, and was nailed to a cross. In the matter of a few hours, it was done—it was finished. Satan was humiliated, brought low, his head crushed by the bruised heal of the the Seed, declared in one last word from the cross: τέτελεσται. One little word has felled the devil, and we translate it as “It is finished,” or, “It is completed,” or, “It is ended” (perhaps this is the word Luther had in mind).

τέτελεσται! This is more than simply a declaration that Jesus has defeated Satan; it declares to you that the payment for your sin is completed. Sin no longer has dominion over you to condemn you. τέτελεσται: “It is ended.” Your struggle with sin began at your conception and continues throughout your life. You are conceived and born and steeped in sin. The wages of sin is death, St. Paul tells us. (Romans 6:23) The Son of God died in your place; He has paid the wages of your sin in full. τέτελεσται!

In addition to that, τέτελεσται is the declaration that sin no longer has a hold on you. You daily sin much, as you are taught to confess by way of the Lord’s Prayer. Look through the Ten Commandments; compare what you have done and not done to what they tell you not to do and to do. “We should fear and love God that...,” and when you transgress these 10, you have especially transgressed the First. You fear, love, and trust in yourself over and above God.

But Jesus has paid the price for your sins in full—He bore the full wrath of God for your sins. Therefore, there is no wrath left for you, spare you should wish to hold on to your sins—that is, to rip from God in Jesus Christ what once was yours but now belongs to Him, and which He destroyed. Since Jesus was judged and condemned in your place, there is now no more condemnation for you who are in Christ. It is finished! τέτελεσται!

On this Good Friday, as in every day—every time Christ crucified is proclaimed to you—rejoice! τέτελεσται proclaims to you that it is finished, ended, completed! The work of your salvation is finished. The reign of the devil, the world, and your sinful flesh over you is ended. Your salvation is completed. Therefore, if it is finished, ended, completed, then there is nothing left for you to do, finish, end, or complete! It’s a good thing, too. You couldn’t finish this anyway. As steeped in sin as you are, you are unable to accomplish your salvation. Therefore, your gracious God sent His Son into the flesh to take it from you and finish it for you. τέτελεσται!

Teleology is a word which stems from the Greek word τέλος, from which τέτελεσται is derived. Teleology is the idea that teaches that all processes are directed to an end or purpose. Dear Christians, this is your teleology: That the Son of God was sent into the flesh to bear your sin and be your Savior. That He was born, circumcised, baptized, lived, and died for the purpose of being your propitiation—your substitute under the unrelenting wrath of the Father for sin. That He finished, ended, completed your salvation as He was nailed to a cross on a hill outside of Jerusalem. τέτελεσται—it is finished!

But, He is not finished. He will spend a Sabbath’s day rest in the tomb, for you, and rise again on the third day, for you! Your salvation is complete! You are baptized into His death and resurrection. You are given the merits of His life, death, and resurrection. He will come again and bring you to where He is because τέτελεσται—it is finished! And because it is finished, you know what I am already going to say: you are forgiven for all of your sins. τέτελεσται!

In the name of Jesus. Amen.
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