Do every act of your life as if it were your last.
‹Marcus Aurelius›
Atlantis: the domain of the Stingray
author: Stingray
category: My Ramblings
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What I Did Today 20140107

short story

Finally, a day off! This felt like an especially long Christmas season, so it was good, after yesterday, to have a day off.

I spent the day doing most of the work on my NHL 14 Olympic rosters. Today was the deadline for them to be announced, and the bulk of the participating countries did so today. So, after some roster editing, adding in some created players from my Be-A-GM mode, and swapping out a few players who have injuries in my Be-A-GM mode, I have authentic rosters (as far as players on them...jersey numbers and line ups are a different story) for Canada, the Czech Republic, Sweden, Switzerland, and the USA. I will add Finland, Russia, and Slovakia once I add a few more players that I have to create; I'm simply waiting to find out what to rate them.

Some pizza and the Matrix, and it was time for bed.

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