Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote.
‹Benjamin Franklin›
Atlantis: the domain of the Stingray
author: Stingray
category: My Ramblings
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What I Did Today 20140109

pancake day

It was a simple day, today.

Like I said yesterday, an earlier day in that I left the house earlier than I do on other days. Up at 5:30, into the shower, and out the door to make it to the IHOP in Parker by 7 for Bible Study. We're going through Daniel. It's a fun book.

I guess the big news is that I took the van to Parker. Normally, I take my truck, but I need to replace the valve cover gasket. While I'm comfortable driving the two or three miles from one end of Elizabeth to the other with the truck, I won't be taking it on longer trips until the gasket is replaced. And I won't be replacing the gasket until the weather improves (I don't want to be taking things apart and doing this kind of work in freezing temperatures). So, for the time being, through the winter at least, when I have to leave town for business, I'll be taking the van.

Back in the office, and I worked on introit and gradual inserts through the middle of Lent. I had completed things through the end of Epiphany, so I got the three -gesima Sundays and through Oculi done today. Oh, and a little more reading for Sunday's sermon.

Time at home was pretty much uneventful.

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