Pure logic is the ruin of the spirit.
‹Antoine De Saint-Exupéry›
Atlantis: the domain of the Stingray
author: Stingray
category: My Ramblings
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What I Did Today 20140119

me and the boy

Today started as Sundays do. Up, to church, and the Gifts were given and received. The sermon is posted (though the audio will come later, my apologies).

There was a baby shower at the church after services. The girls stayed for that, so Robert and I had some guy time. We went to Costco where I purchased a new toaster oven; this one is convection. The price was amazing. I've found, with regard to convection, that the more dense the food being baked, that the convection does not decrease the cooking time; though for my crispy chicken strips, it makes for a nice, crispy breading—almost like frying, but with circulating air.

After Costco, we had lunch at Burger King. It's been forever since I've been to one. It's just not the same; I wasn't impressed.

Back home, and the new oven is set up. We had the Broncos game on, as Robert is a fan. I guess now we'll need to have the Super Bowl on; I really had no desire to watch it.

Once things got set up and cleaned, the girls came home. Molly was dropped off while the other three went to Joann for something. At that time, Robert and I played a little LEGO Batman 2 on the PlayStation 3. Molly watched. I was also able to work on updating a PivotX extension—the Useragent Information in Comments extension. I'm not quite done with the update, yet.

For supper time, I put on Matrix Reloaded. I had seen it once before, but I didn't remember a lot of what was going on. Of course, now I'm set up to watch Matrix Revolutions, which I have never seen.

The night was late, and the kids are finally in bed...

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