Our scientific power has outrun our spiritual power. We have guided missiles and misdguided men and women.
‹Martin Luther King›
Atlantis: the domain of the Stingray
author: Stingray
category: My Ramblings
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What I Did Today 20140120

free breakfast...almost

A day off is usually spent relaxing. This one was no different, but the morning started out with a trip out the door. Ikea "sells" free breakfast plates on Monday mornings.

After dropping off Genevieve and Tirzah at a friend's house, the rest of the kids and I headed into Centennial for breakfast. The normal platter includes eggs, sausage, and potatoes. The girls are not big fans of eggs, so they got a kid's pancake plate. After drinks (which were not free, other than coffee, which I don't drink), the total cost for four for breakfast was under $11. That can't be beat, and the food is really good, too.

After picking up a couple of items from the "As-is" department, we headed home. At home, the big kids played outside for a time while Molly and I hung out inside. I was able to clear some of my programs off the DVR.

The rest of the day was pretty much uninteresting. The kids went to bed, Genevieve and Tirzah came home (they had since gotten the car), and I had supper. Shortly after that, it was bed time.

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