BESSIE BRADDOCK: Mr. Churchill, you are drunk.
CHURCHILL: And you, madam, are ugly. But I shall be sober tomorrow.
‹Winston Churchill›
Atlantis: the domain of the Stingray
author: Stingray
category: My Ramblings
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What I Did This Week, no. 19

short and sweet 2

Another short one this week. This week was spent entertaining family. My sister, brother-in-law, and nephew were down from Washington (with their dog, of course). We spent time visiting a couple of breweries. We went to the pool in Castle Rock. We had pictures of the kids taken—the cousins. Thursday came quickly, however, and they had to return home. It was good to host them.

The regular stuff happened at church, minus some regular office hours. There was Lutheran Confessions Study on Wednesday night; we finished Article VI of the Formula of Concord. Bible Study on Friday was supposed to be hosted at our house, but the older kids decided to misbehave for most of the day, so they were put to bed while I went to church; there, we finally finished with the first two verses of Genesis—it took us four weeks, but we did it!

Saturday was a pretty relaxing day, though I did have a visit to make in an unusual place, for me at least. We finally got the Disney movies we ordered today, too.

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