Peace through strength, and when necessary, peace through victory!
Atlantis: the domain of the Stingray
author: Stingray
category: My Ramblings
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What I Did This Week, no. 24

tedious fun

Saturday comes, and once again I haven’t done my weekly update. In some sense, doing this update is tedious, but I want to keep doing it if for nothing else than I want to keep some sort of a record of what has been happening. Never mind that I like recalling and recording the events of the week, despite the tediousness.

Sunday – Pentecost Sunday, and the work of the Holy Spirit was highlighted—He brings you to Jesus and Jesus to you. Accordingly, Jesus was given and received in the Divine Service for the forgiveness of sins, life, and salvation.

Monday – My day off was spent at home doing little to nothing. I did play some FIFA 14. I’m enjoying my time playing with FC Bayern München.

Tuesday – I wanted to take my time in the office today studying the texts for Holy Trinity. I have always found this day to be the hardest to preach for, perhaps because of the whole undividedness and incomprehensibleness of the God-head. What can I say that expresses all of that without saying too much or too little? What can I say that expresses it correctly? When I got back home, I played some more FIFA 14.

Wednesday – I took a break from sermon studying to do some other type of preparation. I wanted to put a sign-up sheet on my office door for visitations. I wanted to pick some hymns so that they were done a ready to go before I got into the thick of visiting members. So, October was picked and prepared. The sign-up sheet was put together and posted. And some minor planning and preparation was done for the study tonight. I was home for a short while before heading back. At the Confessions Study, we finished with the Solid Declaration, Article VII. I told the attendees that we’ll be done with the Book of Concord soon, so it is time to begin thinking about what to do next.

Thursday – Breakfast Bible Study was at the Egg and I. I had my usual, again: Artichoke Florentine Benedict. Back in the office, and I did more studying for Sunday. I’m not sure I’m getting anywhere. Back home, and it was time to play a little more FIFA 14. Fortunately, the weather has been mostly cooperative.

Friday – So, it’s the day that I normally write a sermon. I just couldn’t come to terms with things, so I borrowed one, adding a few things here and there. Following that, I picked the hymns for November, then started designing the calendar layout for next year’s church calendar. I was barely home when it was time to go back to church for Bible Study. As we continue through Genesis 1, we started reading what Luther had to say on verse 6.

Saturday – I started by playing a little more FIFA 14. However, we had a birthday party to go to. At the party, the kids rode horses, Robert had a severe allergic reaction to something (a horse? the pollen blowing around?), and we enjoyed the company of friends. We were the last to leave, getting home in time to bathe the kids, have a little supper, and go to bed.

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