Time flies like an arrow. Fruit flies like a banana.
‹Groucho Marx›
Atlantis: the domain of the Stingray
author: Stingray
category: My Ramblings
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What I Did This Week, no. 27

family hospital stay

I’m going to do a short entry this week.

It was the usual far on Sunday and Monday. I was told that Sunday’s sermon was the best I had ever preached there. My first thought was that the sermon from Mid-week Lent was better, but then I remembered that the person who told me that is one who either cannot or does not come to the Mid-week services. And Monday was a day off like any other.

The week, however, was dominated by a hospital stay for Genevieve. Intestinal problems came to a head—coeliac flare up and perhaps some Crohn’s combined to “twist” a length. Some medications later, and they problem resolved itself, but she spent two nights in the hospital, Wednesday and Thursday. She was able to get home in time Friday for us to enjoy our own fireworks. Consequently, I didn’t have much time in the office, there was no Wednesday evening study, and I didn’t make it to Thursday morning Bible Study. So, this coming Sunday’s sermon is a borrow as I had no time to develop an idea that I came up with on Tuesday.

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