A simple way to take measure of a country is to look at how many want in and how many want out. Only two defining forces have ever offered to die for you: Jesus Christ and the American G. I.; one died for your soul, the other for your freedom.
‹Tony Blair›
Atlantis: the domain of the Stingray
author: Stingray
category: My Ramblings
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What I Did This Week, no. 30

Higher Things #crucified2014 #loganutah

I spent most of this week in Logan, UT, on the campus of Utah State University for a Higher Things conference with one of my members and his daughter. As anyone who goes to these conferences would tell you, the highlight of each day is the worship services; three the first day (Opening Divine Service, Evening Prayer, and Compline), four each the next two days (Matins, Vespers, Evening Prayer, and Compline), and two the last day (Matins and Closing Divine Service). However, the catechesis and free time activities are something to behold, too.

Sunday – Divine Service was followed by completing the gathering and packing of stuff for the trip. We leave tomorrow so that we can have a night’s rest before the conference starts.

Monday – So, my ride arrived at 8 and I was quickly loaded up and on the way. We stop in Ft. Collins, CO for gas, Rawlins, WY for lunch, Little America, WY for gas again, finally making it to Logan at around 6pm. After spending some time looking for the place where we were supposed to check in, we finally find it and get out stuff unloaded into our rooms. An hour or so later, we went out for supper—a little place called Cafe Rio, like Qdoba, only tastier.

Tuesday – Up with the rising sun, we make our way to breakfast at IHOP. Jokes were made about the Thursday morning Bible Study, as the man and I go to it, and it used to be at IHOP. Following breakfast, we decided to take a hike up a mountain side—a 1.3-mile (or 1.8) long trail, gaining 900 feet in elevation. It was difficult hike, but I made it to the top (or just about to the top). On the way down, my legs turned to jelly, shaking with just about every step; I know I’m not in the best of shape, but that hike really took it out of me. We got back to campus in time for the Opening Divine Service, then it was full bore into the conference—plenary on the topic of Christ Crucified, dinner, Evening Prayer, Breakaway Session, and some free time (in which there were scheduled events, such as an on-campus carnival night including a juggling act). Compline, and time for bed.

Wednesday – Up with the rising sun to go to breakfast and the leaders’ meeting which was followed by Matins. The second plenary session followed that, then it was time for lunch. It felt like we just had breakfast. Following lunch, it was time for another breakaway session, which I had to leave early because I was asked to lead the liturgy for Vespers. By the time that was done and I had collected my stuff, the next breakaway session had started. I made my way to where I thought my members were, only to get caught in conversation with some other pastors attending; I ended up missing that breakaway. I met up with my group again over dinner; from there we made our way to Evening Prayer. Following that, it was time to go the Cache Valley Fun Park where the kids got to roller skate, player laser tag, go bowling, play pool, or play some arcade games. Back to the campus in time for Compline and bed.

Thursday – Up with the rising sun to go to breakfast and the leaders’ meeting which was followed by Matins. The third plenary session followed that, then it was time for lunch. Once again, it felt like we just had breakfast. Following lunch, it was time for two more breakaway sessions, split by Vespers. Then, there was dinner and Evening Prayer; the theater was spiced with incense before we arrived. Following Evening Prayer, it was time for the last breakaway session of the day. For free time, several events were scheduled, including a thank-you reception for the adults, more of the carnival type games, something called hymneoke, even karaoke, and a talent show. We went to the talent show where my member participated, playing her violin, and won the contest; she was awarded a $50 gift card to the campus book store. We had thought about trying to make something else, too, but the talent competition took up the whole night. Compline, and time for bed.

Friday – Up with the rising sun to go to breakfast and the leaders’ meeting which was followed by Matins. The fourth and last plenary session followed that; perhaps the highlight of the session was the a capella singing of Stricken, Smitten, and Afflicted. Then, it was time for lunch. Once again, it felt like we just had breakfast. It was a bittersweet moment as it was then time for the Closing Divine Service, after which we packed up, checked out, and headed to the book store. Then, we hit the road by about 4pm.

Saturday – It was 2am, and I was dropped off. I got my stuff inside, and just stood looking at it for a while wondering what I was supposed to do with it. Getting much of it situated, I sauntered off to bed. Much of the day was spent trying to recover from the week, though I must have spent hours staring at the sermon and voters’ meeting report for tomorrow.

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