I consider the government of the U.S. as interdicted by the Constitution from intermeddling with religious institutions, their doctrines, discipline, or exercises.
‹Thomas Jefferson›
Atlantis: the domain of the Stingray
author: Stingray
category: My Ramblings
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Lightning Are Getting New Sweaters

Gone is the Black (yay!), Gone is the Silver (boo!)

Tampa Bay GM Steve Yzerman is trying to create a simple, classic look for his team. In some regards, he has succeeded. In others, not so much.

author: Stingray
category: My Ramblings
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I Want My Global Warming


I woke up this morning to The Weather Channel telling me that it was -20°F this morning, with a wind chill of -47°F. And it's only supposed to get up to -3°F today, and down to -19°F tonight. I'm glad I decided not to go into the office this morning.

author: Stingray
category: My Ramblings
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Fears Allayed

if only for now

The van was making a whining or groaning noise. It had done it before, sporadically, while we still lived in Oregon. It did it the whole trip from Oregon to Colorado, until we got off the interstate at Castle Rock. For about a week and a half, now, it was doing it all the time until the car got up to normal operating temperature.

Everything I looked at said "power steering." I didn't want to, but I was going to make an appointment with the dealer for repair (I didn't want to because I didn't want to miss any work time, any visitation time).

Yesterday, Genevieve returned from a member's house with the report that they said it sounded like the PS fluid was too low. This morning, I look, and sure enough, the level was at the "Add" line.

So, after lunch, I went over the Napa, got some transmission fluid (that's what the manual said to add), and topped it off. After a little while, the noise was gone.

So far, it seems to be gone, still. I'll know more tomorrow (at the latest) when I go into the office; the engine should be good and cold at that time.

author: Stingray
category: My Ramblings, Zy
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My First Official YouTube Video

Kaya sings Larry's Blues

So, I uploaded a video to YouTube...

author: Stingray
category: My Ramblings
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And We're Back...part 3

photo albums

And another quick note that the move of famwagner is coming along. This time, I've moved and redesigned the photo albums. I've reduced the number of albums, too. As I find time, and I can go through our pictures, I'll be adding more albums, but, as I do most of my picture posting via my blog's moblogging, there probably won't be many newer pictures there; then again, I may be wrong...we'll see.

Anyway, take a look: photos.famwagner.com.

author: Stingray
category: My Ramblings
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And We're Back...part 2


Just a quick note that the move of famwagner is coming along. The main site is back, now, and redesigned. Go ahead, take a look: famwagner.com.

author: Stingray
category: My Ramblings
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Sermon Backlog

they're coming

Just a quick entry to put it out there that I am working on putting the backlog of sermons on the site. As is my practice, I change the date of the posting to the date the sermon was preached. As a result, these backlog sermons won't appear as newly posted in the site (in the menu), but you can find them in the Sermon links all around the site.

Not sure which ones they are? They're the ones with dates between September 29 and December 22, 2010.

author: Stingray
category: My Ramblings
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And We're Back

Version 3.0 is LIVE

So, as you can tell by the new surroundings, Atlantis is back to its new self. A thing or two here or there may not work correctly, and I've got some plans for some other things, so there are some corrections to be made and a few changes, but I expect these things to be minimal, perhaps not even noticed. However, if you do notice something missing or not working, let me know.

Now I've got to get to work on the rest of the famwagner site.

author: Stingray
category: My Ramblings
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Okay...What's Going On Here?

what's with the changes?

The short of it: I'm moving famwagner.com from ms11.net (where I will cancel my account soon) to my own web host (to be opened to the public sometime) mobius-design.net. I don't know if my account at ms11.net was hacked (through some other account) or what the deal is there, but portions of famwagner.com stopped working there. Trying to get in touch with ms11's administrator yields no responses. Frankly, I've gone from really liking ms11 to not liking them at all.

author: Stingray
category: My Ramblings
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Mexican Mayors' Mayhem

Well, No $#!^, Sherlock

According to a FoxNews story, a coalition of Mexican Mayors is blaming the rise in their country's violence and crime on the U.S. It turns out, we are deporting Mexican criminals, who are, among their other crimes, in our country illegally. We don't want their riff-raff, and they cry when we send them back, going so far as to ask us not to send them back.

The way I see it, all those who refuse to go through the process of being here legally should be sent back.