Advice is seldom welcome; and those who want it the most always like it the least.
‹Earl of Chesterfield›
Atlantis: the domain of the Stingray
author: Stingray
category: My Ramblings
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Baptism and Faith

Large Catechism

[F]aith must have something which it believes, that is, of which it takes hold, and upon which it stands and rests. Thus faith clings to the water, and believes that it is Baptism, in which there is pure salvation and life; not through the water (as we have sufficiently stated), but through the fact that it is embodied in the Word and institution of God, and the name of God inheres in it. Now, if I believe this, what else is it than believing in God as in Him who has given and planted His Word into this ordinance, and proposes to us this external thing wherein we may apprehend such a treasure?
author: Stingray
category: My Ramblings
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Well, Isn't This an Interesting Development

A First for Me

I had my first beer today. Not my first taste of beer. I finished a full 12 oz. bottle of beer today.

I'm 33. I never developed a taste for beer. Ironically, though, I like Beer Cheese Soup. That's why I had my first full beer. I've made the soup before with Sam Adams Brown Ale (as mentioned in that entry). I couldn't find any for today (I'm making the soup for tonight's Lenten Soup Supper at church), so I got a six-pack of Michelob's Amber Bock.

Just like with the Brown Ale, I tasted some before using it in the soup. Just like the Brown Ale, I really liked the beer. Unlike the Brown Ale, though, I finished the bottle I opened.

It'll definitely be good in the soup...yummy!

author: Stingray
category: My Ramblings
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Life is Sacred

A Quote I Stumbled Upon

If abortion IS NOT the ending of a human person's life, then no justification for abortion is necessary. If abortion IS the ending of a human person's life, then no justification for abortion is adequate.

- Greg Koukl
author: Stingray
category: My Ramblings
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Blog Stats

A PivotX Extension

I've done it again, though like this is a first time. The first time, I hacked PivotLog so that some basic UserAgent information is displayed with comments; then, converted that hack for PivotX. Now, I've written an extension for PivotX that I've called Blog Stats.

author: Stingray
category: My Ramblings
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Printable Versions

Print Entries...If You Wanted To

I've created a template so that the entries here and any comments and trackbacks are formatted in a way that they print with minimal graphics and, generally, printer-friendly. I'm still working with the styles some to make it look and print better, but it's workable they way it is right now. You can find the link to the printable version at the bottom of each entry where the entry details are listed.

author: Stingray
category: My Ramblings
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Beaker's Ode to Joy

A Nice Youtube Video

author: Stingray
category: My Ramblings
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a food review

So, the other day, Safeway had this special where you spent so much, and got bags of Doritos for cheap. We saw this flavor—Doritos Late Night All Nighter Cheeseburger—and thought we'd try them.

author: Stingray
category: My Ramblings
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Nice Video

worth the watch, especially if you're lcms

author: Stingray
category: My Ramblings
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Be Careful if You Come to Colorado

Be Careful

Don't get me wrong, there are plenty of reasons to come to Colorado. The mountains are beautiful. The view of the mountains from the plains is amazing. We're here (a little self-indulgent, but okay).

But, I haven't seen this many commercials for personal injury attorneys since...ever! The next closest would have to be in St. Louis, where I think there might have been a greater variety of PI attorney commercials. There may be fewer PI attorneys here, but every other or every third commercial has to be for the four or five firms that are in this area (that serve this area). They really want your business when you get into an accident...REALLY want it (so much so that in one commercial, the attorney flies to the accident site in a helicopter). In fact, they make it seem as if they will win you money even if you're at fault.

So, when you come to Colorado, be careful. Be extra careful to avoid collisions.


author: Stingray
category: My Ramblings
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Can I Say That I Look Forward to Voters' Assemblies Now?

Can I?

Seriously, can I? I have never been to one like the one at church today, either as a layman or as a member of the clergy. It was simply amazing and cordial and efficient and long (but that's okay!).