...[It] is not the remembered but the forgotten past that enslaves us.
‹C. S. Lewis›
Atlantis: the domain of the Stingray
author: Stingray
category: My Ramblings
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To Leno or To O'Brien

my take on the night-time comedy talk shows

Who doesn't know the drama going on at NBC? Seriously, who doesn't know?

This is a short synopsis of events, as I have heard them:

author: Stingray
category: My Ramblings
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Whew...This Packing is Hard Work

moving to Colorado

We're excited about our impending move. And we're frantically trying to get as much packed as possible before the movers come. I'm a little sore right now from all the packing and lifting and shifting and weird angles I'm putting myself in to get around and into and to boxes.

This also explains the lack of activity here, so if you don't read anything here for a while, now you know.

author: Stingray
category: My Ramblings
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Happy Birthday

and happy thanksgiving

This weekend, we had some family down to celebrate an early thanksgiving. It also happened to be a time when we could celebrate four birthdays, all occurring within a month's span. So, as we gathered around the table after a delicious turkey dinner, we sang the birthday song to all of the birthday people in order of the birthdays. Then Robert and I had the song sung to us, too...for good measure, I guess.

author: Stingray
category: My Ramblings
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Roll Call on Healthcare

who not to vote for

I said I was going to do this, so here's the promised list. So far, it's only the house of representatives, as the Senate hasn't done anything.

author: Stingray
category: My Ramblings
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Another Awesome Quote

Genevieve forwarded this one to me, at my request

All you have to do is decide to walk a little closer to God, and you'll be criticized more in the church than in the tavern down the street.

- Leonard Ravenhill

If it weren't for the word decide, I would add it to my quote database in a heartbeat. As it is, I'm undecided about doing so.

author: Stingray
category: My Ramblings
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Strange Days?

atypical fall/winter storms

Where we live, thunderstorms are very rare. However, in the last few days (the last four, I'd say), we've had storms that have included thunder and lightning. Now, these weren't like the thunderstorms I'm used to from the southeast and midwest; while each storm lasted several hours, and included what is typical to storms up here—strong winds—they each included a few flashes of lightning and several claps of thunder.

It's been pleasant as thunderstorms are one of the things I've missed living where we do right now.

author: Stingray
category: My Ramblings
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An Awesome Quote

from the family devotion last night

Perhaps the church of coming ages will be the first to understand what service the church of the Lutheran Reformation has performed for the whole of Christendom by this untiring testimony in doctrine and life: The Sacrament can be rightly administered only when the Gospel is purely taught, and the proclamation of the Gospel can remain pure only where Christ's Sacrament is rightly celebrated.

- Hermann Sasse (emphasis added)

author: Stingray
category: My Ramblings
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If You've Ever Wondered Why I Don't Like Doing My Own Taxes

a new documentary coming out

Here's an interesting little video. There's a documentary coming out about the tax code. Of course, anything with a political theme is bound to have some bias, so take what you see (especially if you see the whole documentary) with a grain of salt.

author: Stingray
category: My Ramblings
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It Looks Different Around Here

an update to the site

You may have noticed some slight changes to the site. No, you're not going crazy. I've updated to the latest version of Pivot, the script I use to blog.

One of the new features of this updated Pivot is an actual moblogging feature. Now, it is no longer a separate part of the site. Every time I post a photo (or entry) from my phone, it will show up as a normal entry, just like all of the others. I'll give it a test here in a moment.

There's also something you need to know. If you've subscribed to the feeds my site generates, you'll have to resubscribe as the feed URI has changed.

Also, hopefully I've converted everything correctly, but you might find a borken link here or there or something that looks a little...off. If you find something like that, please let me know. Also, as I continue to learn the newness of this update, the look and function of the site will be changing. So, what you see now will not be what you see in a week's time or so.

Anyway, explore and enjoy!

author: Stingray
category: My Ramblings
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too funny

Oh, the face. Haha, the "expression."