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Atlantis ‹the domain of the Stingray›
I write of melancholy, by being busy to avoid melancholy.
‹Robert Burton›
Atlantis: the domain of the Stingray
author: Stingray
category: My Ramblings
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Things That Make You Go Hmmmm


The word antichrist (notice I didn't capitalize it) appears infrequently in the Bible. Outside of First and Second John, there are various references to an antichrist sentiment, person, or idea. What's important to note is that Scripture plainly teaches that anyone or anything that opposes Jesus as the Christ sent by God to redeem His creation from sin is anti-Christ. No one is specifically named. There is no definitive singular entity named or identified as the Antichrist.

author: Stingray
category: My Ramblings
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Two Kingdoms

where is my focus?

Looking at my recent post history, I think I've lost a lot of what I prefer to focus on. Things have gotten so out of control in the Kingdom of the Left, I fear my intended focus on the Kingdom of the Right is growing hazy. It could also have something to do with the fact that the line separating the two kingdoms is quickly being erased by those who are straddling it. And the Kingdom of the Left is applauding this maneuver all the while those straddling the line (those who are supposed to straddle the line), enjoy the pat on the back the Sole Lefters give them.

author: Stingray
category: My Ramblings
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And Hot on the Heels...

...of me being labeled a "terrorist threat" comes professionals acting like idiot children.

Seriously, folks. The country is in a crisis that will result in my great-grandchildren being taxed to oblivion, and you want to crack puerile frat-boy humor. Do you giggle when someone says, "penis", like a little 4th grader (you know, the stuff we call 4th-grade humor)? You are supposed to be professional reporters, and you sink to these depths.

I once though Anderson Cooper a classy guy; no longer. The others mentioned (other than Keith Olbermann, who wasn't involved) I had no previous opinion of. Report, you bafoons, and leave the "political commentary and name-calling" to the inane blogosphere. I can't believe they teach this in journalism school—a topic comes up, the subject matter of which you don't agree with, and start making sexual jokes and calling people names. How can anyone respect that?

author: Stingray
category: My Ramblings
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I Guess I'm a Terrorist Threat

I don't own a gun. I haven't been to war, so I'm not a returning vet. But, I am opposed to abortion; I find it morally objectionable.

So, if this administration is going to label me a terrorist threat because of a moral objection I have gained and treasure through the exercise of my religious freedom (granted by right in the Amendments to the U.S. Constitution), then a terrorist threat am I. I guess if I were to exercise another right granted in the Amendments to the U.S. Constitution, I would further incite my status as a terrorist threat—protest this label (protest anything, that is, including if I were to have participated in those Tea Party protests).

veni Domine Iesu!

author: Stingray
category: My Ramblings
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Something to Think About

regarding O

I received this video in an email, then went to search for it on Youtube so that I could post it here. Alan Keyes speaks about O.

author: Stingray
category: My Ramblings
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The Weirdness That Is the Interwebs

refresh to referrer

I have no clue what is going on, but links to my site (my subdirectory: from any document on the main family page ( result in a page in which is mysteriously inserted a meta refresh tag that refreshes to the referrer. I've found a way of circumventing this from happening, and that is why you are able to read this now if you clicked here from main page.

If you want to see what I'm talking about, go here then click on the link to my subdomain. Almost immediately, you should be redirected back to the previous page. I've looked almost everywhere I could think of to see what's doing this, and I can't find a thing. I've gotten my host administrator involved, and he's stumped, too, as far as I can tell. I've even created a support ticket at my domain registrar, and they have no clue what I'm talking about.

I'm sure this is making little sense to those who have a limited to no knowledge of html, php, etc. I guess I'm writing this so that everyone who reads this knows what's going on, so that those who read this who are savvy in the ways of the web who might have experienced this once before (or something like this) might have a solution they could share, or so that those who read this who are savvy in the ways of the web and who might have some idea to look at might be willing to share it.'s been kinda weird.

author: Stingray
category: My Ramblings
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Our Home Network

the computer kind

We have a home network we call WagNet. Get it? Wagner...WagNet. Yeah, not so funny, but it makes sense. Well, the other day Dell was running a special called 10 Days of Deals where each day, they had a great deal on four different items. The special price lasted for two days (except for the last day of deals).

author: Stingray
category: My Ramblings
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Defending the O

Quiet the Criticism

Many are criticizing O for having created an NCAA Tournament bracket and appearing on Leno. They say he should be spending his time on more pressing issues, such as the economy. It sounds as if they want him to spend every waking hour on the country's problems.

author: Stingray
category: My Ramblings
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So, O'ites, What Say Ye?

what kind of "change" is this?

President Bush and Vice President Cheney were criticized for saying that the economy was basically sound when it wasn't. Presidential hopeful McCain received the same criticism for pretty much the same statement. Running on platform of change, then presidential hopeful Obama proclaimed the economy to be in crisis. Now that he is president, he is calling the economy basically sound. Is this the "Change we can believe in?" Will those of you who criticized Bush, Cheney, and McCain now criticize your messiah?

author: Stingray
category: My Ramblings
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A Bit of Good or Nice News

Kids take pictures of earth and space from 20 miles up using an inexpensive digital camera and helium-filled balloon:

All I want to know is, "Where can I see the other pictures?" and, "Can I use some as a computer background?"