I reject your reality and substitute my own.
‹Adam Savage›
Atlantis: the domain of the Stingray
author: Stingray
category: My Ramblings
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F1 Darlings

Want Proof? Here it is!

In the closing stages of Sunday's Belgian Grand Prix, McLaren's Lewis Hamilton passed Ferrari's Kimi Räikkönen to take the lead. The only problem was that Hamilton cut a corner to do so. Replays showed that in the white-knuckled racing that was going on, Räikkönen forced him out of the corner. According to the rules, any driver who gains position(s) by cutting a corner is to relinquish those positions and continue racing; no harm, no foul. That is exactly what Hamilton did; Räikkönen regained his position and crossed the start-finish line ahead of Hamilton, even going faster than Hamilton, who subsequently passed him again at the first corner. Räikkönen eventually crashed, and wasn't a factor in the finish of the race...well, he wasn't supposed to be.

author: Stingray
category: My Ramblings
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Just Thought I'd Say

We went to a funeral/memorial service yesterday and, yeah, I'll say it, it sure felt good to be at a Lutheran service in a Lutheran church for the first time in a long time.

author: Stingray
category: My Ramblings
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A Question

of a Political Nature

So, what does it mean when a former vice presidential candidate from one party speaks at the convention of the other party in favor of their current presidential candidate?

author: Stingray
category: My Ramblings
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A Little Food for Thought

Regarding Change

This is part of an email I received. I haven't researched any of this to find out if it was true. Some of the things first listed, however, I can clearly remember being true.

That being said, I don't believe President Bush is completely free of blame. The Democratic majority congress isn't either. And I don't believe either majority party presidential candidate/ticket will have an immediate and substantial impact in making things better (though my excitement over the Republican ticket continues to increase, especially since the announcement of Gov. Palin as the vice presidential candidate).

author: Stingray
category: My Ramblings
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Maybe the Message is Getting Through

recapping an older entry

I went looking through some of my older entries and came across the one I wrote about the impending G.I. Joe movie (and other movies based off of programs from my childhood.

So, I followed a couple of the links posted to find out that Hasbro is responding to some of the negative backlash that G.I. Joe has been receiving due to the movie turning them into an international anti-terrorist squad. It seems that G.I. Joe will once again be "a real American hero."

Now, I'm not convinced everything will be "normal" with this live-action movie, but from the sound of things, they're moving in that direction. Here's hoping...

author: Stingray
category: My Ramblings
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Stargate or Star Trek

a battle of star universes?

I've been watching a lot of Stargate SG-1 lately, and a thought occurred to me this morning. Star Trek doesn't appeal to me as much anymore.

author: Stingray
category: My Ramblings
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A Horse is a Horse, Of Course, Of Course


Wow...just wow...

author: Stingray
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Are These Guys Serious...?

God's Pottery

We've gotten into watching Last Comic Standing. There is this duo called God's Pottery whose act is to sing a song about Christianity. The thing is, the morals of their songs aren't all that far off—they are amazingly truthful. All the while, their act is funny.

Now, if you go to their web site, it's difficult to tell if their act is all that: an act. A search of their school, Christ our Leader College, yielded no results, so it would seem they are fake. Still, that doesn't mean that their act is entirely an act, just that their back-story is only a story.

They're kind of like Weird Al Yankovic to LOST AND FOUND.

author: Stingray
category: My Ramblings
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Thank You

a wish come true

Thank you, Genevieve: see here.

author: Stingray
category: My Ramblings
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What Month is It, Again?

check out our weather

Lincoln City Forecast for June 10, 2008

Though it's currently 51, our forecasted high for June 10 is 48. June. Let me say that again...June!

I love the weather here (seriously)!