Our kids are learning Algebra and Calculus, are expected to memorize the periodic table and to read Shakespeare. Their marching-band routines are ever more complicated, and they are supposed to know all the plays in the playbook. But when it comes to church, we say, "Don't bother me with the details."
‹Rev. Dr. Peter J. Scaer›
Atlantis: the domain of the Stingray
author: Stingray
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What I Did Today 20140213

breakfast and a visit

As I mentioned yesterday, I took the van today. While I'm confident that the problem with the truck is water in the distributor cap, I didn't want to lose power because of it as I'm going up some hills. More than that, I didn't want the rough ride to and from Parker.

So, I went to Parker for Bible Study. This is the 7am Bible Study at IHOP. We're continuing through the book of Daniel. What I came to appreciate about these studies is that they are one more avenue of keeping in the Bible; so, the Word of God is ever more in front of me. For breakfast, I had one of the sweet cream-cheese-filled crepes that they've been advertising lately—the one with raspberries. It was very sweet, almost too sweet, but I finished it.

I was able to spend a little time in the office afterward, enough to watch one episode of Eureka on Netflix. Of course, I did some work at that time, finding a direction to go in for Sunday's sermon.

But, it wasn't long until it came time to make my way to Elbert to visit a semi-shut-in member. I was there until 12:30ish.

Back home, and there was time to relax for a while. The rest of the day was fairly normal and (thankfully) boring.

author: Stingray
category: My Ramblings
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What I Did Today 20140212

typical Wednesday, almost

I headed into the office like any normal day. This morning, it was about preparing for tonight's class, making sure I had a hymn picked for our Vespers service this evening. There were some other things to think about during to day, too.

I was able to leave the office a little early today and get to the car wash to clean out the engine compartment. I was able to spray much of the gunk out of there now that the valve cover gasket has been changed. Unfortunately, I must have gotten some water in the distributor cap. The truck hesitates at times to accelerate and is a little rough at time at speed. Oddly, it idles as smooth as it did before spraying (though it may be a little rougher at times; it's hard to tell). I drove it a bit and let it run in the driveway when I got home to hopefully let it warm up and stay warm in an attempt to dry it out a little faster.

It was quickly time to head back to church for class. We finished Article IV in the Solid Declaration and decided that it would be better to break now before Lent rather than starting a new article next week, breaking, and then resuming our study of that article after Easter. It's hard to believe that Ash Wednesday is in three weeks.

On the way to church, the truck seemed to run fine until I dropped into second gear turning onto the road where the church is. Then, it started hesitating again. It did it again on the way home turning onto my street. So, I think things are improving. Still, I think I'm going to take the van to Parker for the 7am breakfast Bible Study.

author: Stingray
category: My Ramblings
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What I Did Today 20140211

two kids and a movie

So, the morning came, and I headed into the office. Before I left, I let Genevieve know that there was a 1pm showing of The LEGO Movie that I would like to take the kids to; she said she would have them ready for when I got home.

In the office, I looked at Sunday's lessons. Sunday is Septuagesima. I looked at how I preached the text in the past. While the words are different, it seems that I preached on the justice and fairness of God every time. I have to think of something different.

Back home, and I took the kids to Parker for the movie. They thought that I was taken them to help me with an errand. They were so engrossed in a book in the back of the van that the only noticed where we were when I pulled into the parking lot. Immediately, they knew what we were there for.

For having purchased the game for PS4, I got a certificate for free admission for one, up to $7.50. All three of us were $5 for the show, and they still took the full $7.50 off, so we got in for half price!

I picked up some pizzas for the trip home.

It was a pretty good movie, animated in a style different from the LEGO-themed cartoons (such as Ninjago and Chima)—the LEGOs actually moved like LEGOs! Without spoiling it, if I can, it wasn't what I expected either, with a neat plot.

When we got home, we had some pizza, and the LEGO Movie surprise continued for Robert and the kids. He got first crack at the video game.

It turned into a late night, but it was a fun day altogether.

author: Stingray
category: My Ramblings
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Load Times


I apologize for the weird load times for my site (and the other Möbius sites). I'm seeing times from 7 seconds to nearly 3 minutes for the same page. Something is going on with my host. I have a support ticket in; I have since the 7th, and there is still no response from them. I don't want to be hasty about any decisions I make, but this is not pleasing me at all. All I can say at the moment is bear with it for now. Maybe you'll see the page you're trying to load in 7 seconds (or less!), or it may take a few minutes.

author: Stingray
category: My Ramblings
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What I Did Today 20140210

happy birthday, Robert

I got up with my alarm this morning, though I suppose I really didn't need to. One of the first things I did was follow a hunch. A couple of days ago, I purchased The LEGO Movie Videogame for PS4 from Gamestop—a physical copy of the game, not a digital download. On the back of the case, the game says it needs 6.1GB minimum of HDD space. To me, that sounded like the game is being installed on the HDD. To this point, I hadn't tried anything with the game, because I wanted it to be part of Robert's birthday celebration, and let him play it on his own profile, but do so after we watch the movie (which I plan to surprise the two big kids with tomorrow). Sure enough, the game installed (mostly) to the HDD. I had read or heard that this was going to be possible with the PS4, but after reading more, I discovered that this is the way it will be with all PS4 games. It's a good thing it has a 500GB HDD in it, though I had thoughts of buying a 1TB HDD at the same time as getting the console.

Breakfast time came and went; Genevieve made pancakes, per the birthday boy's request. Then, we loaded up and headed to the pool in Castle Rock. It was a fun outing; the pool and air were warmer than on Mikaela's birthday. Thankfully, I was feeling better, too, so that helped me to enjoy it more. Molly's growing up, too; she got to swim this time without a swim diaper. She did so well, going potty in the bathroom when she needed to go. She really took tot he water, too.

We didn't spend as much time there this time. I think many of us wore out faster than the previous times. So, a few hours after getting there, we packed up and made our way back to the car.

It was time for dinner, so we went to Red Robin for Robert's free meal. As always, the meal was delicious, and the wait staff was friendly and gracious, as usual.

Back home, and Robert put together the bigger set of his LEGO gifts. Worn out, the little kids fell asleep early on the couch.

author: Stingray
category: My Ramblings
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What I Did Today 20140209

I hate being sick

I was able to sleep a little longer and better last night. However, I still felt pretty miserable when I woke up.

When we got to church, I told our pianist that I may not chant this morning. I'll start out trying to, but if I stop, then in the parts thereafter where she would normally give me a cue note she would not have to. To my amazement, I felt better as the service went along.

After church, I was supposed to meet with a man who works for Complete Solutions, a financial services company. He is recruiting me to work for him. It sounds like interesting work, though at the same time long, hard work with little immediate gains. I'll have to consider some things in light of other things which may or may not happen. At the very least, I will have learned a lot in the time I spend with Complete Solutions.

After that, it was on to catechesis with a couple of boys from the congregation, one of them being my own. We're making our way through the Old Testament; today's lesson was from Genesis 2, Adam and Eve and marriage.

Finally home, and I was able to veg for a bit and succumb to my Sunday dumbs. I did a little work on the new webpage layout, but not a whole lot.

author: Stingray
category: My Ramblings
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What I Did Today 20140208

I'm sick

I was feeling it a little yesterday. Today, however, it's on. I've got a cold.

I woke up very early, and the reason was weird. My leg was out from under the covers and my foot felt frozen. I pulled it back under the covers, but I couldn't get it to warm up, even under the electric blanket. My stomach started to rumble, so shortly before my alarm would normally go off, I was out of bed.

When I got upstairs, I took some medicine and began to watch some a show that I have recorded on the DVR: Helix. I got through two episodes before the kids were awake.

So, I got to some more web designing. I got some good work done today on the redesign, though it's hard to tell simply looking at what I've done to this point.

Still, it was slow-going, thanks to the cold. I tried to take it easy as exerting myself tends to wear me out much quicker than normal.

author: Stingray
category: My Ramblings
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What I Did Today 20140207

pretty typical Friday, except for the study

So, after a day away from the office, the temperatures were remarkably warmer, so back into the office I went. While there, I put together a sermon with the help of a brother-in-office.

Back home for a little while and I did a little more web building. I am finding myself anxious to get it finished and completely published, but I want to take my time and do it right. Though, I still anticipate there being errors when I do finally publish.

It came time to go to Bible Study. We're "supposed" to be studying the Apocrypha, specifically the Wisdom of Solomon, but our study quickly (as in immediately) turned into a topical study about confession, repentance, and forgiveness.

We were back home in time to catch the end of the Olympic Opening Ceremony. Fortunately, we recorded it, so we can watch it in its fullness at another time.

author: Stingray
category: My Ramblings
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What I Did Today 20140206

here's hoping

Something is going on with my host. So, I hope this entry gets posted. I thought at first that I may have caused it, but I'm thinking that what I was doing happened coincidentally with what happened. So, here goes...

I woke up to bitterly cold temperatures. I went downstairs at my usual time before leaving for work to take a shower, and the temperature outside was -20℉. That forced my hand. I will shower, but I'm staying home today; it's too cold to go outside.

So, at my home office, known as my spot on the couch, I looked over some information for a sermon for Sunday. That seems to be the theme of my work this week. It's a familiar text, but I'm stuck. Sure, I'll preach the same kind of stuff as I did last year, and the year before, and the year before, etc., but I don't want to say the same things (if that makes any sense).

After that, I did a little more web designing. I found a way to make a few more things work. Slowly, the new layout is coming together. Of course, that's when things seemed to go south. I had uploaded some files, reloaded the site, and things worked marvelously. Then, I made a minor change to a file, uploaded it, reloaded the site, and it took forever to load, finally resulting in Error 500: Internal Server Error. Did I break something? I reverted that one file, uploaded it, reloaded, and get the same thing. Well, off-and-on, my sites would work and not work, including what I'm working on, so I'm thinking more and more than the host errors were coincidental with what I had just done. I've got a support ticket sent; we'll see what happens from there.

Other than that, there really isn't much more to write about today.

author: Stingray
category: My Ramblings
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What I Did Today 20140205

it was a cold morning and a cold night

Brrr. It was cold when I headed to the office. But, in I went. I did some more sermon preparation, so I have a better idea what to do for the sermon, but I'm not totally clear on a route.

Back home for a bit, and I did a little more web designing. The new site layout is coming together quite nicely. And then it dawned on me that I'm going to need to convert the church website to HTML 5 since my site and that site are connected with regard to the sermons. That one should be easier.

Soon, it was time to head back to church for the reading of the Book of Concord. We finished Article III in the Solid Declaration and Article IV of the Epitome. The temperatures really dropped for the hour and a half we were there. According to one member's car thermometer, it was -17℉.

I made it home, though it was tough to see out the windshield; the defrost couldn't keep up with the frosting. Before going to bed, we seemed to have an issue with the cold water pipe going to the kitchen. So, we left a space heater pointed at it, hoping it would thaw.