Last night I lay in bed looking up at the stars in the sky and I thought to myself, "Where the heck is the ceiling?"
Atlantis: the domain of the Stingray
author: Stingray
category: Ubuntu
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Another Ubuntu

another box

So, the last update was about a box that I normally use for my own computing. I've also had some other linux adventures.

author: Stingray
category: Ubuntu
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Ubuntu Update

hmmm, again

I kinda forgot about this category, too. This one, for a much longer time.

When I last wrote in this category, I had gotten a new laptop on which I installed Ubuntu 10.10. Since then, I really hadn't updated that computer.

I have, however, since then acquired a new laptop on which I installed Ubuntu Budgie 18.04. It's a nice machine. It came with 4GB of RAM, which I upgraded to the maximum of 16 so that I can use the virtual machines that I also install on it (primarily Windows 7 so that I can use Logos on it). It's been almost two years, now; I got this machine at about the same time that Ubuntu Budgie 18.04 was released (by the version number, that would have been April 2018).

As with all of my Ubuntu experiences, this one has been good, too, so far. I don't expect that to change.

author: Stingray
category: Ubuntu
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it's been four months

In the four months since the site has gone down, I've made some changes to my computer

  • First of all, I got a new computer. My old laptop still ran well, but it was showing wear and tear otherwise. Keys were popping off of the keyboard, and they wouldn't go back on. The USB ports were getting finicky. So, I got a new laptop. Currently, I'm running Ubuntu 10.10 as my main operating system (I'm not too fond of the GNOME interface used in the later version; I know I can change it, but I'm kinda lazy about it right now).
  • I said that Ubuntu was my main operating system. Truth is, I'm running a few on this computer. I'm dual booting, having kept the default installation of Windows 7, shrinking it's partition. It works wonderfully this way.
  • However, there are times when I don't want to restart the computer to get into Windows, especially for a Windows-only program I want to use (Luther's Works on DVD, using the Libronix/Logos interface), I have installed VMWare Player in Ubuntu. In VMWare, I have four virtual machines: Windows XP Pro, Haiku (a BeOS clone), Android (an older version), and Mac OS X Leopard. I play around with the other operating systems for fun, but I use Windows XP Pro for more than fun, as mentioned.
author: Stingray
category: Ubuntu
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of another sort

Since I've had this laptop, I've been using Ubuntu 6.06.2 LTS. Translated, that means I've been using an OS that was released in June of 2006 (LTS stands for long-time support). Nearly 5 years old. Today, I upgraded to 8.04.4 LTS; April 2008—a little more recent. There's still another version to go, and perhaps when the need next arises, I'll upgrade to 10.04 LTS. I've been happy with 6.06 all that time, and for now, I'm happy with 8.04.

author: Stingray
category: Ubuntu
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Krave and P2K


Since upgrading my phone to a Krave ZN4, I have been unable to connect my phone and computer using moto4lin. Previously, I had a RAZR V3m, and it worked without a hitch. I was able to find the settings to make it work.

Now, however, I can't find the P2K Product ID for the Krave. I can't figure out how to do it with what I have on my computer or by installing some new program. I can't find the information anywhere on the web. I have one other option available to me, but it involves installing a program on another computer, one that may only work on Genevieve's laptop (unless someone out there has the information already and is willing to share it).

Basically, the only thing holding me back from doing some hard-core searching is the necessity for connecting my phone to my computer. I can charge my phone from my computer with no problem. But, I have no need to be able to view and transfer files between my computer and phone's file least, I have no pressing need.

author: Stingray
category: Ubuntu
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Computer PSA

You Don't Need Microsoft for Education

While I put this in the Ubuntu category, this applies to Windows and Macintosh, too.

I happened upon an ad on a site I visit regularly. This ad was for Best Buy and Microsoft Office. The central point of the ad was that Microsoft office was "essential for school."

author: Stingray
category: Ubuntu
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Flock on Linux

So, I'm playing around with things and discovered that Flock is available for linux. Why I didn't know that before I'm not sure. So, I downloaded it and started it and tried setting it up so that I could publish to my web site from it. And it worked. Here I am posting from it, in fact.

Will I keep on doing this via Flock? Probably not. I'm not able to split an entry up so that only part of it displays on the front page (and the rest, thereby, accessible on an entry page). Nevermind that my default and preferred browser is Firefox. Still, it's kind of neat to be able to do this; so, I may do an occasional entry from Flock if I ever find myself using the browser again in the future.

author: Stingray
category: Ubuntu
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I Don't Want It

Windows and Me

I don't know. Maybe it's the Mac commercials. Maybe it's the fact that I primarily use Ubuntu Linux. Most likely it's a combination of both (but mostly my use of Linux). I don't want Windows Vista. In fact, I don't want Windows anything. I can't think of a reason to keep it should I ever get another computer.

author: Stingray
category: Ubuntu
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What Have I Become?

A Conversion...of Sorts

For just under a year now, I've been using a laptop with linux on it as my primary computer. I have gotten used to using it, and I've learned to do most everything I normally do on Windows (and those things I haven't figured out or can't, I will used my Windows machine, but those are rare times, to be sure). Basically, my windows machine has become just another place to store files, which I can access at anytime with my linux machine over our network.

author: Stingray
category: Ubuntu
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I Like Linux

Surprised? So am I?

I knew I would get used to using this machine. After all, it would be the computer I could take with me to the office when I go over there and be productive, then take that work home (you know, if I didn't finish it at the office) and continue. It would be the computer I would take with me on the road when I travel, either for vacation, or when going to pericope studies, even pastors' conferences and conventions. And I actually use it in those places to do things, to do real things.