We go to the Lord’s Supper as though going to our death, so that we may go to our death as though going to the Lord’s Supper.
‹Rev. Dr. Ken Korby›
Atlantis: the domain of the Stingray
author: Stingray
category: My Ramblings
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Site Rollbacks

MS11 is Up to Something

For the "lucky" few who have visited in the past few days to notice the newer stuff gone and back again, and then wondering why, I believe the answer lies in the continued server maintenance that MS11, our host, is performing. If you were to go to their forums (as of this writing), you would see that things aren't exactly up to snuff. So, you may see a few more rollbacks and restorations.

Thankfully, for advance plan owners, they have cpanel installed, and one of the things it allows me to do is make a backup of everything. A backup has been made of everything right before this post, which includes all the other new stuff that's supposed to be here. And, I plan to do daily backups until I know that things are a little more stable (and back to normal) at MS11. So, should they rollback again and not roll forward, I'll have all the necessary files to restore famwagner.net and all her subdomains to a later state (it may not be the latest, but it will be later than the May 2 rollback that MS11 had rolled back to).

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