If you can't convince them, confuse them.
Atlantis: the domain of the Stingray
author: Stingray
category: My Ramblings
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All Caught Up, Mostly

another necessary task

So, I'm all caught up on posting sermons since the last sermon I've posted. I do have something of a backlog of sermons to post for 2019 and 2018, I think, so I'll get to those eventually. The latest sermon posts are all Matins or Vespers videos for my congregation; I've been recording them since lockdowns began in March, 2020, and have continued to do so, even as my congregation is gathering again (especially for those who are uncomfortable joining or unable to join us during this time).

You likely see a bunch of PHP warnings about methods having the same name as their class. That's the next necessary task that I need to see to in order to make my site(s) work again as desired. There may be some technical issues that arise as I fix these issues. There are currently some technical issues being caused by these errors, not the least of which is comments being stored and displayed correctly. I do intend to get it corrected.

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