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My Own Linux Box

Ubuntu 6.06 LTS

For a while, now, I've been "around" linux users. They talk up the OS like its the best things since the invention of the personal computer.

While I was at the University of Florida, I got my first taste of using *nix, as my internet account was on a unix machine. So, I was able to learn some basic *nix commands. Ever since then, I made it a point to keep a unix shell account somewhere (something I still have with Freeshell).

Now, I actually have a linux box to call my own. I ordered a nice little laptop off of eBay and loaded a Ubuntu linux on it. I've kinda always played around with the idea of having my own linux machine, but couldn't pull myself away from Windows (and, for some things, I still feel more comfortable using Windows). That's why I got this computer.

Now, I have a machine I can take with me and be productive whereever I am, and I don't want to take the other lappy away from Genevieve. And, I have loaded linux on it to boot (pun intended). There's still enough on this to be productive, such as being able to write a sermon (Sun has created a free office suite called OpenOffice—something that actually rivals MS Office). And, it has enough on it to be able to use the internet as I am used to on my Windows machine.

So, now, I'll keep a record of my exploits with Ubuntu. Nothing extensive...just enough that I can keep track of what I have done for a personal record.

So far, I'm really liking linux...

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