The more people I meet, the more I like my dog.
Atlantis: the domain of the Stingray
author: Stingray
category: My Ramblings
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Where Were You When Bonds Hit 756?

Or, Where Will You Be?

I didn't notice...didn't follow. Flipping through the channels this evening I happened upon ESPNEWS. We don't always get it—maybe a few hours a day on our cable provider's "information" channel—so I don't normally get to watch it. Anyway, I noticed in their "Breaking News" section of the ticker that Bonds hit career homerun number 755. I didn't even know he was playing today...

So, the question is going to be asked: "Where were you..." for the historic event. When he hits number 756, he will have surpassed Hank Aaron for most career homeruns. Undoubtedly, people will be glued to their television screens for the rest of tonight's game and the dozen or so games following until he hits the historic mark.

Not me, I don't if you could tell by the fact I felt the need to write a blog entry about it.

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