The guilty think all talk is of themselves.
‹Geoffrey Chaucer›
Atlantis: the domain of the Stingray
author: Stingray
category: My Ramblings
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A Really Inconvenient Truth

What Al Gore Doesn't Want You to Know

Is climate change real? Sure, there are subtle changes happening all the time and should be expected. We live in a dynamic universe on a dynamic world—nothing is static; if it were, we wouldn't have daily high and low temperatures.

But is mankind responsible for any climate changes? Well, the answer there is "yes," too. We are as dynamic as the universe we live in—technological advances throughout the ages are testimony to that. We cannot help but have an affect in the environment in which we live, which is the principle known as the observer effect. But we must be cautious to say that we are the only cause, for we simply are not.

But, the whole debate over "global warming" seems now to be over. I mean, it's been said in the past as there have been scientific reports refuting claims by proponents of global warming, not the least of which is the cause. Now, there seems to be irrefutable evidence and data to back it up.

No matter what you think of Foxnews, there is a report there citing stories and reports from many sources posing questions about global warming which cannot be answered "yes"—questions that have to be answered yes for there to be any global warming debate. It almost seems to turn global warming into an urban legend...a thing for Mythbusters.

The one thing I would concede is the lack of time. In any field of study, it should be difficult to refute 100 years of a trend with only 1 year of breaking that trend. "Give it time," I want to say.

Now, are there things we can do to minimize our impact on climate change? Maybe. Certainly, as stewards of the gifts of God, this world among them, we are to do what we can to be good managers. So, if there are cost-effective and ecological means of living, let's do it. But, let's not blame all problems and disasters on global warming.

What? Did you miss the story? Check it out here:,2933,334682,00.html.

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