Pure logic is the ruin of the spirit.
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Atlantis: the domain of the Stingray
author: Stingray
category: My Ramblings
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Stargate or Star Trek

a battle of star universes?

I've been watching a lot of Stargate SG-1 lately, and a thought occurred to me this morning. Star Trek doesn't appeal to me as much anymore.

I was always a fan of Star Trek, especially when The Next Generation aired in Germany (we were living in Kitzingen at the time, and it aired on AFN Europe a couple of years after debuting on American television). I've got the Klingon Dictionary. I've got USS Enterprise NCC-1701-D Blueprints. I've got a print edition of the Star Trek Omnipedia, as well as an "interactive" edition (read: Windows CD-ROM). I've even burned recorded episodes of Enterprise/Star Trek Enterprise to DVD (the entire series worth).

This morning, though, I was awakened by a dream of Captain Kathryn Janeway being assimilated by the Borg (although, she wasn't really being assimilated, just controlled—I can't think of an episode when what I dreamed really happened). Anyway, when I woke up, my initial thought was, "I don't want to watch this."

And so, will I have similar thoughts the next time a Star Trek series' episode plays on TV? Will I not want to watch Enterprise anymore from those DVDs? Honestly, I haven't wanted to watch anything Star Trek in a while, even though I find it listed on the TV Guide. At first, it was because my television time had been taken up with Stargate SG-1 (and now, since the new season started on Sci Fi, Stargate Atlantis). Now, I just don't want to watch any Star Trek...I have no desire to watch it.

I still appreciate all that Star Trek is and the influence it has on our society (I have a flip cell phone that I enjoy). I can even imagine some of the stuff that happens in the Star Trek universe actually coming to fruition in the real world. I even appreciate all that Stargate is and the explanation it derives from things in the real world (pyramids as landing pads...how fascinating). And I can even imagine some of the stuff that happens in the Stargate universe coming to fruition in the real world.

I guess I'm becoming more of a Stargate fan than Star Trek fan...it's the direction I'm moving in.

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