Time flies like an arrow. Fruit flies like a banana.
‹Groucho Marx›
Atlantis: the domain of the Stingray
author: Stingray
category: My Ramblings
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They Sent it Back

There is this grocery store in town—in fact, they're all over the Pacific Northwest: Grocery Outlet. They sell discounted groceries. The locals call it the "Used Food Store."

All kidding aside, you can find foods and brands found only in certain regions of the country. For instance, we've seen Shur-Fine products there, an upper midwest brand. We've bought Publix-branded frozen spinach; Publix is a southeastern chain of grocery stores.

Then, a couple of days ago, we saw this:

Hong Kong Parm

The label on these tubes of Kraft grated Parmesan cheese stated that they were a product of the United States, labeled for Hong Kong. So, the cheese was produced and packaged in America, then exported to Hong Kong. Apparently, they didn't want it, so they sent it back. My question it, does that make it deported cheese?

Yes, I realize it may never have been shipped to Hong Kong in the first place.

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