It is the madness of folly, to expect mercy from those who have refused to do justice; and even mercy, where conquest is the object, is only a trick of war; the cunning of the fox is as murderous as the violence of the wolf.
‹Thomas Paine›
Atlantis: the domain of the Stingray
author: Stingray
category: My Ramblings
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Is He Real...or Isn't He?

a look at a star-filled romance

I hear critics and supporters on both sides of the issue. Frankly I don't know where I stand. I don't know where to stand.

For one, I'm not a fan of Tom Cruise. For another, I don't care so much about Katie Holmes. Still, there is something about this that both makes me happy for them at the same time makes me wonder.

Is Tom faking it?

The proof, one may say, can be found in the picture. This is a picture of the "lovebirds" at the premier of Holmes' new film, Batman Begins. I can't say I find this all that convincing. Tom's smile looks very much faked; it just doesn't look natural. Katie Holmes certainly looks happy, but there's another picture that has me wondering about her, too: the kiss. In this shot, Cruise is grabbing Holmes' face and plants one on her. She doesn't look to be enjoying it; rather, it looks like she wants to pull away.

Now, there could be a very logical explanation for both of these. How many times have you smiled to have your photo taken and wondered if you really looked like the guy in the pic. It may just have been a bad moment when the flash went off. Perhaps his smile became more authentic...I don't know. Also, the kiss may have surprised Katie Holmes. I suppose I'd do that if Genevieve surprised me with a kiss like that. It could also be that Holmes doesn't like public displays of affection like that, but as an actor...I don't know.

The thing that really has me wondering is the show he put on when he was on Oprah. Hootin' and hollerin', jumping on the couch. Nothing seems natural about it. It seems very contrived.

And that's the point many of the nay-sayyers are making. This is all a publicity stunt on Tom Cruise's part. Cruise for sure, perhaps even on the part of Holmes, though statements made by the damsel seem to indicate otherwise (does she know something about Cruise that we don't?).

Now, who am I to care about this? No one, really. I really don't have a leg to stand on to muddle in their affairs (pun not intended), and if they are both truly happy in this relationship or just giving a try, then so be it. Unless this is all a publicity stunt. If what Tom Cruise (and possilby Katie Holmes) seeks from this is nothing more than publicity, then I am completely turned off by it. Like I said, I was never a fan of his to begin with, but playing with the affections of someone and then the masses by making us think you two are so cute is going way out of line. If this is a publicity stunt, I hope it backfires. It just seems immoral and unethical...bad move, you two, bad move.

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