NANCY ASTOR: If I were your wife, I would put poison in your coffee!
CHURCHILL: And if I were your husband, I would drink it.
‹Winston Churchill›
Atlantis: the domain of the Stingray
author: Stingray
category: My Ramblings
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If This is True...

I'll Have Someone Else to Cheer For

Today may be National Signing Day or National Letter-of-Intent Day, and there may be some great news out of Gainesville, but the news that has me more excited comes from the world of Formula 1.

I know I have decried much of what has gone on in Formula 1 in the recent past. I know I have only returned to the sport as a fan (after losing interest for a few years).

However, exciting news from the Formula 1 world says that there is an American based team in the works, hoping for a 2010 season debut. They hope to be a showcase team for American technology and American drivers. So, in the near future we could see an American-made Formula 1 car powered by the likes of a GM or Chrysler subsidiary (I would say Ford, too, but they've competed in F1 before under the Cosworth brand...maybe the other two makes have competed, too, I'm not sure).

It would, no doubt, in my opinion, drum up support for the series on these shores (though no venue in Formula 1 history had the fan appeal and attendance that the recent US Grand Prix had). It would usher in a return of a US Grand Prix; maybe not in Indianapolis, but somewhere in this country. That is all good, exciting stuff.

Take a look at the logo here. It's a little plain; it wouldn't surprise me if it changes. And I'm sure that site will have more information and tidbits as time goes on.

Here's hoping the team continues and is not just a pipe dream.

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