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Atlantis: the domain of the Stingray
author: Stingray
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I'm Done...Through

I Just Can't Watch Anymore

The myriad changes Formula 1 is going through are souring the taste for the sport for me. I don't mind the cost cutting changes, in fact, I applaud them. I like trying to make the sport more competitive. But there are some things that have finally turned me away from it.

First of all, there are the cars. Part of making the sport more competitive is a change in car design. Teams have been limited in what they can put on a car and how they can tweak their designs. The result is a car that looks ugly...front heavy. I could overlook that. I wouldn't like it, but I could still watch the sport and enjoy it, I thought.

Now, they've changed the way they're going to award the drivers' championship. The driver with the most wins is the champion; points will be used to break any ties and determine who is 2nd through 20th. Essentially, a driver need only participate in 9 races now, and win them all, and not participate in anything more, fewer if the number of other winners increases. In the points system, that driver would have 90 points. For comparison's sake, a driver that finished second in every race would receive 136 points, 46 points better than the champion. It's a system that could reward inconsistency and complacency while leave the best performer a loser (2nd place is only the first loser).

As a matter of fact, to go along with my conspiracy theory (lending further credence to it, perhaps?), under this system last year Ferrari driver Filipe Massa would have been world champion. He had the most wins last season (one even being awarded to him on a bogus decision to strip Lewis Hamilton of a win in Belgium—had the original results stood, Hamilton would have had the most wins and most points), but not the best performance from race to race.

I just can't watch Formula 1 any more or enjoy it. I have been a disgruntled fan for a while, not at all pleased with the leadership of the grand organization. Now, I'm a former fan. Sure, they can win me back; I would love to be a fan again. As long as they're doing this, though, I can live without racing.

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