Gather ye rosebuds while ye may,
Old Time is still a-flying;
And this same flower that smiles today
Tomorrow will be dying.
‹Robert Herrick›
Atlantis: the domain of the Stingray
author: Stingray
category: My Ramblings
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So, O'ites, What Say Ye?

what kind of "change" is this?

President Bush and Vice President Cheney were criticized for saying that the economy was basically sound when it wasn't. Presidential hopeful McCain received the same criticism for pretty much the same statement. Running on platform of change, then presidential hopeful Obama proclaimed the economy to be in crisis. Now that he is president, he is calling the economy basically sound. Is this the "Change we can believe in?" Will those of you who criticized Bush, Cheney, and McCain now criticize your messiah?

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