If God meant for us to eat raw fish, He would not have invented fire.
‹G. A. Wagner›
Atlantis: the domain of the Stingray
author: Stingray
category: My Ramblings
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Something to Think About

regarding O

I received this video in an email, then went to search for it on Youtube so that I could post it here. Alan Keyes speaks about O.

There is one thing in there that I knew about—I knew that O supported infanticide, a horrible thought. How anyone can not think twice about allowing a failed aborted infant to die of exposure is beyond me. I mean, we hear of the exposure unwanted Chinese children (usually always girls) and we decry them for being inhumane. Yet, this is different somehow?

I knew about O's communist ties. That Mr. Keyes firmly calls him a radical communist does not surprise or upset me in the least. The fact that O does have these ties and may very well be a radical communist does upset me.

However, I didn't know about O possibly not being a natural born citizen of the United States. I knew that he had Kenyan heritage. I thought he was born to an American mother, and that he was fully (for lack of a better term) an American citizen. If he is not naturally born, then he is a usurper. There is no other term for it, as he would be holding an office for which he does not meet all of the qualifications. He would be a usurper if he is exercising the powers of an office for which he does not fully qualify. That is astounding to me.

I see that O is being sued to supply a real birth certificate. If he is refusing, as is being suggested, then I can't help but question whether or not he should be president. The entire country should, especially come the next presidential election. Of course, in my experience, especially lately, people are more willing to "look the other way" when it comes to constitutions so long as it suits their needs.

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