I reject your reality and substitute my own.
‹Adam Savage›
Atlantis: the domain of the Stingray
author: Stingray
category: My Ramblings
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I'm Expecting a Lawsuit

No, I'm neither suing nor being sued. Nor do I expect such litigation to be brought to me. This is all about something someone should not have done, but did anyway...now I expect the blame to be shifted.

Daudi Bamuwamye, a 4-year old from Pennsylvania died after a ride in Disney World which simulates twice the normal force of gravity. This is a ride which simulates a space craft launch and landing on Mars, a ride called Mission: Space.

There is a 44-inch height limitation, but there are also signs warning visitors of the intensity of the ride. Daudi met the height requirement, but I don't think he met much else.

Now, would you let your 4-year old on such a ride? If there are signs posting the physical intensity of a ride, do you think your 44-inch plus 4-year old should ride it? What if he pleads and begs? NO! He's just not ready. At 4 years old, he won't be able to comprehend what's going on, nor will his little body (even at 44 inches, plus) be able to withstand all of the stress. It's going to shut down.

Unfortunately for Daudi, it never started back up again.

Now, I expect the Bamuwamye family to sue Disney for killing their little boy. And, because of our screwed up legal system, I expect they'll win or somehow Disney will settle out of court. It doesn't seem to matter anymore if signs are posted that warn of dangers. If there is money to be had, the courts are happy to award it no matter the steps taken to insure the safety of those with no regard for their own. I bet that if a little boy shorter than 44 inches were to have somehow snuck on (that is, unbeknownst to the attendant) and died, Disney would still be sued and lose.

It's the way of the world, these days.

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