I used to think I was indecisive, but now I'm not sure.
Atlantis: the domain of the Stingray
author: Stingray
category: My Ramblings
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It Looks Different Around Here

an update to the site

You may have noticed some slight changes to the site. No, you're not going crazy. I've updated to the latest version of Pivot, the script I use to blog.

One of the new features of this updated Pivot is an actual moblogging feature. Now, it is no longer a separate part of the site. Every time I post a photo (or entry) from my phone, it will show up as a normal entry, just like all of the others. I'll give it a test here in a moment.

There's also something you need to know. If you've subscribed to the feeds my site generates, you'll have to resubscribe as the feed URI has changed.

Also, hopefully I've converted everything correctly, but you might find a borken link here or there or something that looks a little...off. If you find something like that, please let me know. Also, as I continue to learn the newness of this update, the look and function of the site will be changing. So, what you see now will not be what you see in a week's time or so.

Anyway, explore and enjoy!

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