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Atlantis: the domain of the Stingray
author: Stingray
category: My Ramblings
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Roll Call on Healthcare

who not to vote for

I said I was going to do this, so here's the promised list. So far, it's only the house of representatives, as the Senate hasn't done anything.

DON'T VOTE FOR THESE MORONS (I said I was going to do that, too). By a vote of 220 to 214, the House of Representatives passed HR 3962, "To provide affordable, quality health care for all Americans and reduce the growth in health care spending, and for other purposes." While it sounds nice and desirable, it is a long-winded bill (are there any that aren't) that is just about incomprehensible, and carries with it certain things which I have already objected to.

I'm also certain many have seen the email going around citing the government's own involvement and participation (or lack thereof) in this bill (yeah, I know the dangers of believing such emails, but there is a lot of truth in that one).

Basically, the kind of control this gives the government and the growth of government this will entail frightens me. It feels like this will no longer be a government of the people, by the people, and for the people, but becoming a government over the people and in charge of the people.

That's why the people need to take a stand. The president and congressmen are our employees, and to a large extent, so are the justices. So is every elected and appointed official in every level of American government, by-and-large. Take a stand and let your voices be heard via the vote. Here are the Representatives who voted for HR 3962:

  • D - Berry, Marion
  • D - Snyder, Vic

  • D - Giffords, Gabrielle
  • D - Grijalva, Raul
  • D - Kirkpatrick, Ann
  • D - Mitchell, Harry E.
  • D - Pastor, Ed

  • D - Baca, Joe
  • D - Becerra, Xavier
  • D - Berman, Howard
  • D - Capps, Lois
  • D - Cardoza, Dennis
  • D - Chu, Judy
  • D - Costa, Jim
  • D - Davis, Susan
  • D - Eshoo, Anna G.
  • D - Farr, Sam
  • D - Filner, Bob
  • D - Garamendi, John
  • D - Harman, Jane
  • D - Honda, Mike
  • D - Lee, Barbara
  • D - Lofgren, Zoe
  • D - Matsui, Doris O.
  • D - McNerney, Jerry
  • D - Miller, George
  • D - Napolitano, Grace
  • D - Pelosi, Nancy
  • D - Richardson, Laura
  • D - Roybal-Allard, Lucille
  • D - Sanchez, Linda
  • D - Sanchez, Loretta
  • D - Schiff, Adam
  • D - Sherman, Brad
  • D - Speier, Jackie
  • D - Stark, Fortney Pete
  • D - Thompson, Mike
  • D - Waters, Maxine
  • D - Watson, Diane E.
  • D - Waxman, Henry
  • D - Woolsey, Lynn

  • D - DeGette, Diana
  • D - Perlmutter, Ed
  • D - Polis, Jared
  • D - Salazar, John T.

  • D - Courtney, Joe
  • D - DeLauro, Rosa L.
  • D - Himes, Jim
  • D - Larson, John B
  • D - Murphy, Christopher S.

  • D - Brown, Corrine
  • D - Castor, Kathy
  • D - Hastings, Alcee L.
  • D - Grayson, Alan
  • D - Klein, Ron
  • D - Meek, Kendrick
  • D - Wasserman Schultz, Debbie
  • D - Wexler, Robert

  • D - Bishop, Sanford D.
  • D - Johnson, Henry C.
  • D - Lewis, John
  • D - Scott, David

  • D - Abercrombie, Neil
  • D - Hirono, Mazie K.

  • D - Braley, Bruce L.
  • D - Loebsack, David

  • D - Bean, Melissa L.
  • D - Costello, Jerry
  • D - Davis, Danny K.
  • D - Gutierrez, Luis
  • D - Foster, Bill
  • D - Hare, Phil
  • D - Halvorson, Deborah
  • D - Jackson, Jesse
  • D - Lipinski, Daniel
  • D - Quigley, Mike
  • D - Rush, Bobby L.
  • D - Schakowsky, Jan

  • D - Carson, Andre
  • D - Donnelly, Joe
  • D - Ellsworth, Brad
  • D - Hill, Baron
  • D - Visclosky, Peter

  • D - Moore, Dennis

  • D - Yarmuth, John A.

  • R - Cao, Joseph

  • D - Michaud, Michael
  • D - Pingree, Chellie

  • D - Capuano, Michael E.
  • D - Delahunt, William
  • D - Frank, Barney
  • D - Lynch, Stephen F.
  • D - McGovern, James
  • D - Markey, Ed
  • D - Neal, Richard E.
  • D - Olver, John
  • D - Tierney, John
  • D - Tsongas, Niki

  • D - Cummings, Elijah
  • D - Edwards, Donna F.
  • D - Hoyer, Steny H.
  • D - Ruppersburger, Dutch
  • D - Sarbanes, John P.
  • D - Van Hollen, Chris

  • D - Conyers, John
  • D - Dingell, John D.
  • D - Kildee, Dale
  • D - Kilpatrick, Carolyn
  • D - Levin, Sander
  • D - Peters, Gary
  • D - Schauer, Mark
  • D - Stupak, Bart

  • D - Ellison, Keith
  • D - McCollum, Betty
  • D - Oberstar, James L.
  • D - Walz, Timothy J.

  • D - Thompson, Bennie G.

  • D - Carnahan, Russ
  • D - Clay, William
  • D - Cleaver, Emanuel

  • D - Berkley, Shelley
  • D - Titus, Dina

  • D - Hodes, Paul W.
  • D - Shea-Porter, Carol

  • D - Andrews, Robert E.
  • D - Holt, Rush
  • D - Pallone, Frank
  • D - Pascrell, Bill
  • D - Payne, Donald M.
  • D - Rothman, Steven
  • D - Sires, Albio

  • D - Heinrich, Martin T.
  • D - Lujan, Ben R.

  • D - Ackerman, Gary
  • D - Arcuri, Michael A.
  • D - Bishop, Timothy
  • D - Clarke, Yvette D.
  • D - Crowley, Joseph
  • D - Engel, Eliot
  • D - Hall, John J.
  • D - Higgins, Brian
  • D - Hinchey, Maurice
  • D - Israel, Steve
  • D - Lowey, Nita
  • D - Maffei, Daniel B.
  • D - McCarthy, Carolyn
  • D - Maloney, Carolyn
  • D - Meeks, Gregory W.
  • D - Nadler, Jerrold
  • D - Owens, Bill
  • D - Rangel, Charles B.
  • D - Serrano, Jose E.
  • D - Slaughter, Louise
  • D - Tonko, Paul D.
  • D - Towns, Edolphus
  • D - Velazquez, Nydia M.
  • D - Weiner, Anthony D.

  • D - Etheridge, Bob
  • D - Miller, Brad
  • D - Watt, Mel

  • D - Pomeroy, Earl

  • D - Fudge, Marcia L.
  • D - Kaptur, Marcy
  • D - Kilroy, Mary Jo
  • D - Ryan, Tim
  • D - Space, Zachary T.
  • D - Sutton, Betty
  • D - Wilson, Charles A.

  • D - Blumenauer, Earl
  • D - DeFazio, Peter
  • D - Schrader, Kurt
  • D - Wu, David

  • D - Brady, Robert
  • D - Carney, Christopher P.
  • D - Dahlkemper, Kathy
  • D - Doyle, Mike
  • D - Fattah, Chaka
  • D - Kanjorski, Paul E.
  • D - Murtha, John
  • D - Schwartz, Allyson
  • D - Sestak, Joe

  • D - Kennedy, Patrick
  • D - Langevin, Jim

  • D - Clyburn, James E.
  • D - Spratt, John

  • D - Cohen, Steve
  • D - Cooper, Jim
  • D - Cuellar, Henry
  • D - Doggett, Lloyd
  • D - Gonzalez, Charlie A.
  • D - Green, Al
  • D - Green, Gene
  • D - Hinojosa, Ruben
  • D - Jackson-Lee, Sheila
  • D - Johnson, Eddie Bernice
  • D - Ortiz, Solomon P.
  • D - Reyes, Silvestre
  • D - Rodriguez, Ciro

  • D - Welch, Peter

  • D - Connolly, Gerald E.
  • D - Moran, Jim
  • D - Perriello, Tom
  • D - Scott, Robert C.

  • D - Dicks, Norman D.
  • D - Inslee, Jay
  • D - Larsen, Rick
  • D - McDermott, Jim
  • D - Smith, Adam

  • D - Baldwin, Tammy
  • D - Kagen, Steve
  • D - Kind, Ron
  • D - Moore, Gwen
  • D - Obey, David R.

  • D - Mollohan, Alan B.
  • D - Rahall, Nick
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