Peace through strength, and when necessary, peace through victory!
Atlantis: the domain of the Stingray
author: Stingray
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If you're one of the few who used to listen to Issues, Etc. and wondered where it went following its "cancellation," wonder no further. I present to you (after about 10 months of it being "on the air") Pirate Christian Radio. Pirate Christian Radio

PCR was started by Rev. Wilkin after he was—well, let's be plain and blunt—fired from KFUO by the LCMS. It hosts the Issues, Etc. program, among many other solid, Lutheran programs. There are also a few actual radio stations that broadcast Issues, Etc., but they are in so few markets. In any event, listen to PCR, for more than just Issues, Etc.; it's all good programming. If you're having trouble listening to the webcast from the PCR page, try their Live365 page. Issues, Etc. airs weekdays from 4pm to 6pm, eastern, on PCR.

Alternatively, you can find Issues, Etc. at their own page: You can find the list of radio stations that air Issues, Etc.. More importantly (impressively?), you can find a backlog of previously aired episodes (found in segments). Give them a listen; find a segment with a subject that interests you.

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