It is a great tragedy that so many within our midst want to scrap everything that means Lutheran, but keep the title.
‹Rev. Steve Cholak›
Atlantis: the domain of the Stingray
author: Stingray
category: My Ramblings
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Ladies and Gentlemen, Habemus Hockey!

Roll out the Ice, Lace up the Skates

I wanted to do that ever since I read that other story on ESPN.

Anyway, after a very long time and a season lost, representatives from the NHL and NHLPA have agreed on a new Collective Bargaining Agreement. This effectively ends a lockout that was the longest in the history of North American sports (at least, that's how it's reported); if you know of a longer lockout in the history of sports, period, let me know.

Of course, it doesn't completely end the lockout. The CBA still needs to be ratified by both sides. The fact that there is one is significant progress, and it is probably a fair assumption to make that the ratification is simply a formality.

Not so fast, however, as some players are grumbling about what the new CBA includes. Well, to them all I can say is, "Get back on the ice, I want to see you play!"

The next step is, of course, signing players not under contract, restructuring contracts, and basically creating the 30 teams again. Teams have very few players still under contract. Numbers I have heard range from 2 to 5, but I haven't confirmed any of it. Usual rosters are about 28-30 (I think). So, it is very likely that the teams we knew and loved and hated from two years ago will cease to exist in those forms. However, I'm more inclined to believe that they will be more similar than dissimilar; I have a feeling the team for which a player last played will get first crack at signing a player currently not under contract. And, then currently signed players will have to have their contracts restructured in order to comply with the new CBA.

That would soon be followed by a draft. It seems all 30 teams will be in a lottery equally this time to determine selection order. I don't know how I feel about this. With the teams currently resembling nothing that they once were, and having the chance that come draft time they will not, it makes good sense. On the other hand, it could create the opportunity for the best teams to get better immediately (or more immediately than other teams), against what all draft orders and lotteries are designed to do. So, on the one hand, this makes sense, on the other hand, I would rather see a draft order and lottery based on the 2004 standings.

There are, also, rule changes involved. The one that ruffles my feathers is one being considered to eliminate ties. As a traditionalist, I think it is changing hockey into something else. Of course, the current system is wacky, too, in my opinion. I'm used to seeing teams with W-L-T records, 2 points for wins, 1 for a tie. But, the market demands something simpler (and anything would be simpler than the current system: W-L-T-OTL, 2 points for a win, 1 point for a T, 1 point for an overtime loss...what, reward the losers? What a totally mainstream idea!). Of course, the proposed shootout system would be exciting to watch. Other rule changes include eliminating the center line, which eliminates 2-line passes (good idea, in my opinion), reinstating touch-up offsides (you can dump the puck into the offensive zone with teamates already in it, they have to exit the zone completely and re-enter before they can touch the puck again), and no-touch icing (good idea to eliminate senseless injuries—an iced puck is automatically called icing once it crosses the goal line; there is no need to race to it and possibly get slammed into the boards).

Now, for the good part of it all. There will actually be hockey on TV next fall/winter/spring instead of all this poker and arm wrestling. At least, there should be...TV contracts also have to be renewed or created. C'mon guys, don't drop the ball...drop the puck instead.

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