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Atlantis: the domain of the Stingray
author: Stingray
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Third Sunday after Pentecost

Luke 7:11-17

In the name of the Father and of the + Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
O Lord, how shall I meet Thee / How welcome Thee aright? / Thy people long to greet Thee, / My Hope, my heart's Delight! / O kindle, Lord, most holy, / Thy lamp within my breast / To do in spirit lowly / All that may please Thee best.1

It is fitting, given this Gospel lesson, that we had a funeral this past week [in Marion]. The scene Tuesday was perhaps much like the scene in Nain. There were mourners—saddened by the loss—following the body to the cemetery. In Nain, however, the scene was different. Other than the obvious lack of automotive transportation and other signs of ancient times, Jesus shows up in His person in Nain and raises the dead back to life.

Had Jesus shown up Tuesday, had He returned, Ruth's body would have rejoined the living. For when the Christ returns, the trumpet shall sound and the dead will be raised incorruptible. It is as we confess: "I believe in...the resurrection of the body and the life everlasting" or "I look for the resurrection of the dead and the life of the world to come." What we are saying when we confess those lines from the creeds is, "On the Last Day He will raise me and all the dead, and give eternal life to me and all believers in Christ."

So, in Nain, Jesus has compassion on the Widow who lost everything she had. She had no husband, whom she had lost earlier. She now lost her son. In today's terms, we can think of it as losing not only a family, but retirement benefits, social security...everything. She had no source of income, no source of support, no right to anything, unless, like the Ruth of the Old Testament book, a kinsman redeemer were to come along, and take her under her wing.

Unfortunately, no distant relative was there for the widow of Nain. Fortunately, a king of a distant royal line had arrived. While the widow of Nain had no kinsman redeemer, she did have the Redeemer of the world arrive at her son's funeral procession.

But what had the widow of Nain done to deserve any of it? Was she living an immoral life to deserve losing everything? Was she a great person to deserve having her son raised from the dead? Did she have some great faith to deserve having him given back to her? Well, just like the centurion from the first 10 verses of St. Luke's 7th chapter, there was nothing within her to justify any of this.

For one thing, we cannot say anything regarding the widow's lifestyle of faith, for St. Luke simply doesn't let us know. For another, she, like every person since the fall, is sinful; and in her sin, she deserves the wrath of God. Finally, as the confirmation students [at Marion] could tell you, when Jesus acts out of His love and compassion, He does so not because of any great faith in the person on whom He acts, but He does so for His own sake and out of His own great mercy.

Had we been in Nain for the funeral, I'm sure the people would have told you many great things about the widow's son. They would have recalled his faithfulness to the law of God. They would have told stories of his acts of kindness, helping to mend a fence, dig a well, run an errand, or some other such deed. In the days leading up to last Tuesday, the same thing was going on among Ruth's friends and family. The good times in Ruth's life were remembered and shared among those who knew her best and loved her. A laugh was shared among those who remembered her as they recalled something funny she once said or done. And, much like the people in Nain may have done, Ruth's strong faith was mentioned several times.

But what did the widow's son's faithfulness get him? What did Ruth's strong faith earn her? To put it bluntly, nothing. The same is said for all of us. No matter how much faith or how strong our faith is, our faith earns us nothing. Whenever we start believing that faith earns God's favor and grace, we turn it into a work which we do. Our works deserve nothing from God but His wrath, and believing that faith is a work which we do is a great sin.

When we believe that faith is our work, not God's, then we believe that believing in Jesus was our decision or choice. In this, we quickly move to believing that we have God in our box—a god under our control—whom we let out only when we want or need something. After all, one could say, "It was my decision to believe in God, He should be pleased that I have made this decision. It's a privilege for Him to call me a son. He should now be at my beck and call!"

However, scripture plainly tells us that left to our own devices, we quickly fail. Jesus says in the 15th chapter of St. John's gospel that apart from Him we can do nothing. He furthermore says in plain language that people did not choose Him, but He chose them. Then there is Psalm 81 which contains these words of God's lament:

But my people would not listen to me; Israel would not submit to me. So I gave them over to their stubborn hearts to follow their own devices. If my people would but listen to me, if Israel would follow my ways, how quickly would I subdue their enemies and turn my hand against their foes! Those who hate the LORD would cringe before him, and their punishment would last forever. But you would be fed with the finest of wheat; with honey from the rock I would satisfy you.

In other words, if we sin again God, showing no sign of remorse, He leaves us to our own ways. Without His help we are literally and completely helpless. Without His help, we have no hope. Without His help, we are left in despair!

But, thanks be to God that it was His decision to call us. Thanks be to God that for Christ's sake, Jesus died for us, taking away our sin, and rose again, giving us victory over death and the grave, and called us to be His own dear brothers and sisters, children of His Father in heaven. Thanks be to God that He has given us faith to believe in Him.

Yes, those of us who believe—that is to say, those of us who have been Baptized—have faith, and that is a good thing! Faith is the mark of salvation. Faith is hoping for that which is unseen. Faith itself doesn't earn God's grace, it receives God's grace!

What is it we hope for? Well, Martin Luther summed it up well in his explanation to the seventh petition to the Lord's Prayer—"But deliver us from evil:"

We pray in this petition, in summary, that our Father in heaven would rescue us from every evil of body and soul, possessions and reputation, and finally, when our last hour comes, give us a blessed end, and graciously take us from this valley of sorrow to Himself in heaven.

The unseen thing which we hope for is that which the Word of God proclaims and that which we ourselves have confessed, eternal life with God in heaven.

Yes, there will be times when there are tearful and mournful funerals. Should Christ not return in our lifetime, we will face a final hour; and for those of us called to Him by grace, we will be granted a blessed end. And since in Baptism we have been given faith, that faith receives for us the promise of a joyful reunion.

We saw it with the widow and her son in Nain. Jesus raised the son back to life and gave him back to his mother. What was once a tearful funeral has become a joyful party following the resurrection of the dead.

We expect it with Ruth and her family. We still lament her loss and miss her presence, but when Christ shall return, our sorrow shall be turned to joy as Ruth shall be raised from the dead and be reunited with all who have been given faith.

We eagerly await this for all of us. The same promise has been made to all of us. For one day, our sorrow shall be turned to joy as those of us who have fallen asleep will be awakened and reunited with all of the saints whom God has called to faith.

Rejoice, then, ye sad-hearted, / Who sit in deepest gloom, / Who mourn o'er joys departed / And tremble at your doom. / Despair not, He is near you, / Yea, standing at the door, / Who best can help and cheer you / And bids you weep no more.2
He comes to judge the nations, / A terror to His foes, / A Light of consolations / And blessed Hope to those / Who love the Lord's appearing. / O glorious Sun, now come, / Send forth Thy beams so cheering, / And guide us safely home.3
In the name of the Father and of the + Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

1 Hymn O Lord, How Shall I Meet Thee, The Lutheran Hymnal #58, stanza 1
2 Hymn O Lord, How Shall I Meet Thee, The Lutheran Hymnal #58, stanza 5
3 Hymn O Lord, How Shall I Meet Thee, The Lutheran Hymnal #58, stanza 9

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