Familiarity breeds contempt.
Familiarity breeds contempt—and children.
‹Mark Twain›
Atlantis: the domain of the Stingray
author: Stingray
category: My Ramblings
comments: 1
Windows XP Firefox (3.6)
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Sermon Audio

New Web Host

I have been including audio of my sermons with the manuscripts lately when I've been posting them to the site. As these mp3 files have been ranging from just over 5MB to just over 10MB each, they would quickly fill up the space we have at ms11. So, I found a free host at which I get 1GB of space. I'm putting my audio files there; it should last me a little while, and give me some time to find some more for when I need it.

The side affect of this is that the flash player on the site no longer displays the id3 tag information of the mp3s. You can, however, still listen to them as normal.

If a file doesn't start playing (the player gets stuck on buffering), let me know. I might have inadvertently skipped editing that entry.

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