People with narrow minds usually have broad tongues.
Atlantis: the domain of the Stingray
author: Stingray
category: My Ramblings
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and the 300th entry to this site

It's no secret that I like the Winter Olympic Games. I really enjoyed the games this year, though I would have preferred more diverse coverage than what we got simply on NBC and Universal Sports (we don't have cable); and I could have done with less figure skating. I even enjoyed the closing ceremonies. But, I miss the games.

Now, however on Universal Sports is the Paralympic games. I am simply amazed at these athletes. Particularly, the blind skiing is fascinating (especially the downhill stuff). I'm watching some blind downhill skiing as I type this. It's really fun to watch.

Every once in a while, they'll show some sledge hockey. I can tell it's delayed, though. Searching for news on these games, I discovered that the Americans won gold in the sledge hockey tournament (USA!). The game they're cutting to every once in a while is the semifinal game of the Americans vs. Norway. Still fun to watch. So, I guess the skiing is delayed too. Still fun to watch.

Now, if they would only not give us the bonus presentation of the Olympic figure skating events following the Paralympic show.

Despite the entry ID that this entry will carry (386), this is the 300th entry to this site. So, what of those other 86 entries? Well, some of them simply don't exist. Some of them are entries on Mikaela's site. Some of them are entries in hidden categories, never to be seen by the public (or seen again, as some I had previously included on this site). And, no, I won't tell the names of those hidden categories. Some of them are unpublished entries, never to see the light of being published.

In any case, this site has reached a milestone. And I thought tomorrow's sermon would be #300.

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