The more people I meet, the more I like my dog.
Atlantis: the domain of the Stingray
author: Stingray
category: My Ramblings
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My Aversion to Bumper Stickers

put on hold, just this once

Anyone who knows me knows I don't like bumper stickers. One of the main reasons is because they stay with the car or are unusable if they don't; so, if you trade in your car, you either leave the bumper sticker on there or you take it off and render it useless. Another reason is because most people never stop at one; you'll see the back of many cars with myriad bumper stickers advocating a political party (and all its candidates), proudly proclaiming that the 4 children inside are honor students at their respective schools, or God knows how many preaching tolerance and coexistence. Blech!

Normally, I don't mind a bumper sticker or two to show support for one's alma mater or favorite professional sports team. But, for the first reason given above, I would rather not do so myself. There are plenty of car magnets that can be affixed and removed at will (which you would probably have to do regularly so that they don't get stolen, a con against magnets).

However, there is one bumper sticker I just put on out car. The biggest reason for doing so is because it's how we really feel, and no such magnet is available as far as we know.

Not a (Colorado) native

And here's a picture of it on our car (click on it for a larger view):

bumper sticker on our car
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