Time flies like an arrow. Fruit flies like a banana.
‹Groucho Marx›
Atlantis: the domain of the Stingray
author: Stingray
category: My Ramblings
comments: 3
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Okay...What's Going On Here?

what's with the changes?

The short of it: I'm moving famwagner.com from ms11.net (where I will cancel my account soon) to my own web host (to be opened to the public sometime) mobius-design.net. I don't know if my account at ms11.net was hacked (through some other account) or what the deal is there, but portions of famwagner.com stopped working there. Trying to get in touch with ms11's administrator yields no responses. Frankly, I've gone from really liking ms11 to not liking them at all.

What does this mean? Things around here will be slowly coming back. All the addresses you've known and used to get to famwagner will work again, sooner or later. For the time being, I've set up my blog with temporary templates. Some things will not work; some links will be broken, but things will be coming back...slowly (as you may have read at this link).

As for Atlantis, I plan to redesign it. Thankfully, the functionality of PivotX allows for me to work on a new template while not "releasing" it to the public. Again, I have no idea how long this will take, as I've got a ton of web stuff on my plate, now.

Anyway, enjoy Atlantis' and famwagner's return.

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