Our scientific power has outrun our spiritual power. We have guided missiles and misdguided men and women.
‹Martin Luther King›
Atlantis: the domain of the Stingray
author: Stingray
category: My Ramblings
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Fat Head Movie/Documentary

proof against evolution? maybe!

Last night, we watched a comedy-documentary titled Fat Head. And don't let that short description fool you, it is filled with good facts, simply presented with a bit of comedy (a good bit of comedy). In essence, the documentary posits that modern man's struggle with obesity is due, in large part, to the current dietary suggestions that we pay attention to: eating less fatty foods (which leads to a higher intake of carbohydrates).

Anyway, there is a line in the movie that really stuck with me. The documentarian, Tom Naughton, basically said that the human diet has changed so drastically from what it has so long been—what it is disposed to—that we are now saddled with a great number of health problems, most of which stem from being overweight and obese (not an exact quote, but it was the gist of the statement).

What does that have to do with evolution? Or, perhaps to word it better, how is this evidence against evolution?

Well, I'll readily admit that it certainly isn't the strongest evidence against evolution, but if you take the time to think about it, there's certainly some there, especially if one wants to look for it.

I, personally, can't help but think that we were DESIGNED to eat the kind of diet that Naughton describes—higher animal fat, good amount of salt, and low carbohydrate/sugar. So, as modern fake science so often is wont to do, it tries to do better than God; it presumes to know how things work better than God does; when this happens, it always ends in disaster—enter obesity and heart disease and diabetes and high cholesterol a whole slew of diseases that can be traced to poor diet. Of course, this fake science then backs up its declarations by stating these health problems are a result of following a diet similar to that for which we are DESIGNED.

As for evolution, or to use this as evidence against it; well, it wouldn't be much of a leap for this fake science to say that the ancient diet of higher animal fat/lower carbohydrates worked for primitive man, but now, more evolved man needs a more evolved diet. Funny thing is, true science tends to indicate that the primitive diet still works for modern man. A quick read of Naughton's blog (on the Fat Head Movie site) will reveal that previous statement to be one of fact, including quotes from fake scientists trying to deny or blindly interpreting the results of their studies which disprove their science.

In any event, I can't help but think that a vast majority of these fake scientists are adherents/disciples of the theory of evolution.

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