Time flies like an arrow. Fruit flies like a banana.
‹Groucho Marx›
Atlantis: the domain of the Stingray
author: Stingray
category: My Ramblings
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The Fruits and Nuts We Left Behind

so glad we're not in Oregon anymore

"Resident Anita Sullivan summed up a common viewpoint: 'So you say I pledge allegiance and right there I don't care for that language,' Sullivan says. 'It sort of means loyalty to your country; well, I feel loyalty to the entire world.'"

There is compromise and furor over the Pledge of Allegiance in Eugene, Oregon. Strangely, it's not with regard to the '54 addition of "under God," but about being American. I swear the fruits and nuts of the country are concentrated in that state.

Ms. Sullivan, if you have an issue pledging allegiance to the country in which you are given the privilege of electing leaders among other privileges, I'm sure, then get out. If you don't like the place, leave!

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