Let us recollect that peace or war will not always be left to our option; that however moderate or unambitious we may be, we cannot count upon the moderation, or hope to extinguish the ambition of others.
‹Alexander Hamilton›
Atlantis: the domain of the Stingray
author: Stingray
category: My Ramblings
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What I Did Today 20140102

not that interesting a day

Today, I went into the office and prepared a sermon for Sunday. Nothing like closing out the Christmas season with a bloody text. Other than that, it was back home to relax a bit. I played a little Gran Turismo 6 and continued to get frustrated with it. I'm not playing it tomorrow. I played a little NHL 14, too. I'm preparing a simulation of the Sochi Olympics, at least as much as I can do with this game.

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