If you can't convince them, confuse them.
Atlantis: the domain of the Stingray
author: Stingray
category: My Ramblings
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What I Did Today 20140103

It's Friday!

Another morning in the office. Couldn't get my head around the text for Monday, so I borrowed a sermon, making some changes here and there. I put the handout for Monday together. Then, I planned the hymns for March, except for the Mid-week Lent stuff. Can you believe Ash Wednesday is March 5? So close...

Back home for a bit. Did some more preparation for my NHL 14 Sochi simulation. I'm trying to make a few rosters as accurate as possible, adding my created players to their respective national teams if they "make the cut."

Since it's Friday, it's Bible Study night. Molly was felling ill, so the two older kids and I headed to Kiowa for study at the Plasters. We continued with our reading of the Apocrypha, picking up where we left off with Judith. Chapters 7 through 13 (or was it 12?) were certainly more interesting than the first 6 chapters. Judith is a talkative heroine in this extra-Biblical work of fiction.

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