Our kids are learning Algebra and Calculus, are expected to memorize the periodic table and to read Shakespeare. Their marching-band routines are ever more complicated, and they are supposed to know all the plays in the playbook. But when it comes to church, we say, "Don't bother me with the details."
‹Rev. Dr. Peter J. Scaer›
Atlantis: the domain of the Stingray
author: Stingray
category: My Ramblings
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What I Did Today 20140114

Holy Snow Day, Batman!

When I got up this morning, it was just starting to snow. All the models I saw on the morning news were predicting up to an inch of new snow. So, I drove to the office without a second thought as to footwear.Snow accumulating on the flag. It wasn't long into my time there that I wish I had worn my snow boots. We got about 5 inches that ended at about noon, the time that I leave the office to go home.

While at the office, I started "watching" Eureka, again. I usually have some video or music going as a distraction while I work. I find that I work better with something going on, even if only in the background. When I'm typing out my sermons, though, I keep the distractions to music, and this usually only instrumental. As for the work I did, it was mostly sermon study. I'll be preaching on the wedding at Cana, and Jesus' first miracle. I also got some hymn inserts ready for the next two Sundays.

When I got home, I started up the snow thrower to clear the driveway and sidewalk. Afterward, I took some salt to the end of our drive way, hoping to at least soften the ice that has built up down there, giving me a better chance of scraping it off.

The afternoon was spent with a napping infant and toddler on my lap. Once they woke up, it was time to prepare supper. Spätzle was on the menu again, as we try to finish up the pork roast and gravy from New Year's Day.

The night should be uneventful...

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