Early bird gets the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese.
Atlantis: the domain of the Stingray
author: Stingray
category: My Ramblings
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What I Did Today 20140131


It was predicted that we were to get 6 to 10 inches of snow by this morning. I woke up to 2.

I went to the church to write the sermon. When I got there, though, I cleared some of the sidewalk along the side and front for the ladies of the office staff since they would be coming in to prepare the bulletin. When I had finished that, I stepped into my office and noticed that my phone had failed to obtain an IP address from the church modem. "Not a problem," I thought, since I had been doing stuff outside, I may have walked in and out of the range of the modem. I tried again in the office, and the same thing happened. I guessed that the modem needed to be restarted, but that didn't solve anything. Nothing connected to it, wired or wirelessly, could obtain an IP address. The DHCP server simply wasn't working.

So, I spent 45 minutes this morning trying to figure that out and calling tech support. I got the typical response from the tech support: making sure all of the lights were on, etc. I don't know how many times I tried to tell the tech that the modem was not assigning IP addresses to devices connected to it, that I could tell that they were handshaking—sending the wireless key successfully—but beyond that, the modem wasn't cooperating. "Well, I can see you IP address from here." Okay, the modem is connecting to the internet, but nothing is connecting to it on this end. "Well, if you think the modem is defective, we can send you another one." Fortunately, it's still under warranty.

I finally got to the sermon.

When I got home, I loaded up the kids and we headed to Castle Rock to finish the month's WIC shopping. I decided to go out that way to give Genevieve some extra time without kids so that she could recover from a headache. We also made it out and back before the snow picked up again. Another six inches was predicted for tonight; I don't think we're going to get it.

Shortly after returning, it was time to head to Bible Study for game night. Mikaela was claiming to be sick, and Molly was needing sleep, so only Robert and I went. We played Hearts. I was winning for so long, then things went downhill once I finally pulled in the Queen of Spades. I ended up finishing third out of six. Getting home was interesting; I couldn't make it up a hill, so I went via another route.

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