...[It] is not the remembered but the forgotten past that enslaves us.
‹C. S. Lewis›
Atlantis: the domain of the Stingray
author: Stingray
category: My Ramblings
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What I Did Today 20140202

Vioins and Bach and a Russian

Just over an extra inch of snow overnight necessitated the removal of snow from our front steps and a path to the garage. Having done so, we went to church. There, the gifts were given and received—sins were forgiven.

After church it was time for some catechesis. First, a young lady who eagerly desires to be a communicant member. Next, after some lunch, my son and the son of a couple of other members, who are maybe not as eager to receive the Sacrament.

From the second session, we went to a violin recital put on by a young lady from the congregation. She is a magnificent musician who gifted us with a couple of pieces by Bach and some Russian guy whose name escapes me.

We didn't get home in time for the Super Bowl kickoff, so Robert got to miss the beginning of the debacle that was the Broncos' blowout loss.

Otherwise, the night was uneventful.

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