There are 3 kinds of people: those who can count and those who can't.
Atlantis: the domain of the Stingray
author: Stingray
category: My Ramblings
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What I Did Today 20140204

modem and web site

It was an earlier morning for me today. Yesterday, the new modem for the church arrived, so I left a little early to get it set up. It's a good thing I did, too, because the set up did not go smoothly. Thankfully, the customer service technician was able to push the necessary information to the router from her end; she was much more helpful and knowledgeable than the man I dealt with on Friday, even if she didn't know what linux was.

When I finally got to my real work, I pondered the Transfiguration. Sunday is the Transfiguration on the One-Year lectionary.

Upon getting back home, I had to plow through the snow at the end of our driveway that was deposited there by the plow. It must have been about three feet high. So, that called for the use of the snow blower. The driveway cleared, I headed inside to relax a bit. I played a few more games in my NHL 14 Be-a-GM; I'm now four away from the end of the regular season.

Supper was tacos. I was craving them, and Genevieve was kind enough to get the fixings for it while she was shopping.

After supper, I did a little more work on the next version of this site. I did some work with hidden scrollbars and got something of a frontpage put together for the blog. I think it's looking pretty nice, but you'll have to wait to see it in all of it's glory.

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