They [the Democrats, regarding increased taxes,] say they're not going to take any water out of your side of the bucket, but out of the other side of the bucket.
‹Fred Thompson›
Atlantis: the domain of the Stingray
author: Stingray
category: My Ramblings
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What I Did Today 20140205

it was a cold morning and a cold night

Brrr. It was cold when I headed to the office. But, in I went. I did some more sermon preparation, so I have a better idea what to do for the sermon, but I'm not totally clear on a route.

Back home for a bit, and I did a little more web designing. The new site layout is coming together quite nicely. And then it dawned on me that I'm going to need to convert the church website to HTML 5 since my site and that site are connected with regard to the sermons. That one should be easier.

Soon, it was time to head back to church for the reading of the Book of Concord. We finished Article III in the Solid Declaration and Article IV of the Epitome. The temperatures really dropped for the hour and a half we were there. According to one member's car thermometer, it was -17℉.

I made it home, though it was tough to see out the windshield; the defrost couldn't keep up with the frosting. Before going to bed, we seemed to have an issue with the cold water pipe going to the kitchen. So, we left a space heater pointed at it, hoping it would thaw.

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