Jesus Christ is the only man ever to have died and lived to tell about it (besides Lazarus).
‹G. A. Wagner›
Atlantis: the domain of the Stingray
author: Stingray
category: My Ramblings
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What I Did Today 20140206

here's hoping

Something is going on with my host. So, I hope this entry gets posted. I thought at first that I may have caused it, but I'm thinking that what I was doing happened coincidentally with what happened. So, here goes...

I woke up to bitterly cold temperatures. I went downstairs at my usual time before leaving for work to take a shower, and the temperature outside was -20℉. That forced my hand. I will shower, but I'm staying home today; it's too cold to go outside.

So, at my home office, known as my spot on the couch, I looked over some information for a sermon for Sunday. That seems to be the theme of my work this week. It's a familiar text, but I'm stuck. Sure, I'll preach the same kind of stuff as I did last year, and the year before, and the year before, etc., but I don't want to say the same things (if that makes any sense).

After that, I did a little more web designing. I found a way to make a few more things work. Slowly, the new layout is coming together. Of course, that's when things seemed to go south. I had uploaded some files, reloaded the site, and things worked marvelously. Then, I made a minor change to a file, uploaded it, reloaded the site, and it took forever to load, finally resulting in Error 500: Internal Server Error. Did I break something? I reverted that one file, uploaded it, reloaded, and get the same thing. Well, off-and-on, my sites would work and not work, including what I'm working on, so I'm thinking more and more than the host errors were coincidental with what I had just done. I've got a support ticket sent; we'll see what happens from there.

Other than that, there really isn't much more to write about today.

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